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Strange BR Incident

dooner90dooner90 Member
in General 12 karma

Hey, thanks for stopping by.

So here's the deal. I got through my first PT. As I took the PT I circled all of the answer choices which I was uncertain of (as is suggested by 7sage). For each section, I noticed that I circled about 2/3 of the questions -- leaving about 8 answers uncircled.

My score somewhat reflected what you might expect from a first time PT. I got a 148. I went back an did BR, typed in my new answers -- and the score hardly moved at all. It only went up to a 151. Here's the thing -- I found that in one section I got all of the answers wrong that I DIDN'T circle. Does this make sense? So basically the questions I was most certain of were the ones that I got wrong.

Has anyone else shared in a similar experience (especially of this magnitude)?

Thanks for any time


  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma

    Yeah it happens to me sometimes. It’s overconfidence error and under confidence error. Next PT review the entire test, not just the ones you circled. It’s time consuming but worth it. You’ll eventually figure out why you felt so certain on questions you got wrong, and why you felt uncertain about questions you got right. This will help you figure out better timing too.

  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    edited July 2018 1777 karma

    This happens to me with RC. The more you BR, the more you'll see where the overconfidence errors are. And make sure you're watching the videos for the questions you got wrong!

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