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#help method of reasoning questions.

edited July 2018 in Logical Reasoning 66 karma

help I’m about to start method of reasoning questions. However, I’m not sure if I missed a particular lesson with the different types of arguments that may or may not be expressed.

For example: if the question uses argument by analogy I know the form because it was literally the first question we went over in the curriculum.

I was wondering if there were a list of different argument types so I have some idea what what I’m looking for.

I’m worried because when I tried to do these questions before viewing the video, they turned out to be difficult partly because I did not know what I was looking for.

Yes I understand these questions are heavy in referential phrasing, but from what I understand is that other companies give you a list of different argumentation by analogy, wisdom of the masses, over generalization and so and so forth. So I was wondering if there was a complete list of method(s) of reasoning.




  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    1777 karma

    You might get some help looking at the valid argument types from the Validity and MBT section. You could also look at the 19 common argument flaws and think about what the opposites of those would be. I'm not sure if that will help, but that's the best suggestion I can think of!

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