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Character & Fitness Question

Hi Everyone,

Trying to get a head start on my application material and I'm sure this question has been asked to death but I can't find a specific instance covering my situation. Just wondering if the following situation should be something disclosed in an additional addendum:

When I was a freshman in college in 2008 I was in a dorm common room where some other students were drinking (I wasn't). An RA walked in and asked to see people's ID's. Because I was underage, I was written up and had to schedule a meeting with the RD. I explained the situation and received a formal warning that I believe was put into my file.

I reached out to my University to get more details on the incident since I don't remember much else about it and wanted to confirm my recollection - but was told that the incident is not even on my student conduct record anymore.

Is this something that generally should be disclosed in a C&F addendum? I was planning to, especially since some schools specifically include expunged events - but wanted to know people's thoughts.


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