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Hey, everyone! I have been seeing a lot of posts for people wanting to do Skype sessions in general, but I would love to get one going for this weekend. I'm thinking about doing a PT somewhere around 70.
If you're interested, please comment with the time/timezone you're available, biggest strengths, and biggest opportunities. Basically, any important info that will help us work together best is perfect to mention.
As for me: My biggest strength is the RC level 4 and 5 passages. Easy ones lead me to confidence errors. My biggest struggles are weakening questions, MSS, and setting up misc LG game boards.
EDIT: We are doing PT 72! Get excited!
Hi @"samantha.ashley92"
I’d be interested. Have already done 70 and 71, but hopeing if we can do 72.
Strength and weaknesses have changed over the prep period and currently I’m doing good in RC overall (comparatively). Struggling with timing, PF, and excep questions. Also consistently stuck on -4 on games. Hope to get better on these.
@"Mo Zubair" Hi! Ok, so we will avoid 70 and 71. I have done 60 and 65, so I'd like to avoid those, too. Let's see if anyone else wants to join us, and we will figure it out.
Hopefully, for every weakness we have, someone else has it as a strength.
@AshleighK do you have a PT range that would work best for you?
Can I follow? Though I've basically just started my PT practice. Any PT would be fine with me. My strength is LG in general (I get -0 or -1 in most sections I've done), I am struggling with reading, big time.
Thank you very much!
I'm going to take a PT later this week but I only have premium. So, I'll probably do 56 and upgrade before the week ends and the next call you do (if you plan to do one) I'll join! I'll probably do one from the 60s then focus on the 70s-80s.
@"irene1990.xu" of course you can join! I haven’t done many PTs, either. @"Mo Zubair" would you both want to do PT 72?
@AshleighK sounds great! Keep me updated.
PT 72 sounds good to me.
I was planning on doing PT 72 soon anyway, I will plan to take it Saturday, and should be able to spend some time BRing on Sunday.
@astrowise sounds great! What are your biggest strengths/weaknesses?
@"samantha.ashley92" I have been having trouble staying consistent with RC and LG. I did the LG Core Curriculum and improved a lot, but lacked on the RC sections. Then I recently did the RC CC and on my latest preptest did the best I've ever done on RC, but did poorly on LG... so need to get both consistent.
As for LR I have been having trouble getting above the -4/5 mark. I am consistently getting right around there and haven't improved in awhile.
@astrowise -4/-5 in LR is great! I understand that drive to want to be better, but I would love to be where you are right now! My LG is slacking because I always take like 3 min to set up the misc game boards. I just freeze after writing down the rules and realizing that I have no idea how to solve it. So I can help with basic games, but that's about it. RC is definitely my strength, so I can definitely help you out there! Is it timing that gets you, the questions themselves, or both?
@"samantha.ashley92" Timing is definitely what gets me. However, my latest test I was able to finish the whole section. I was frustrated with JY's memory method at first, but it seems to be working well now.
Yes, I sometimes freeze after the game board setup, it's a terrible feeling and has happened to me even on the easy games when I've missed an obvious inference. I think doing the fool proofing really helped though. I need to do more fool proofing of the newer games.
@astrowise honestly, the memory method doesn't work well for me. I have a very visually-oriented memory, so I do well when I'm asked to recall specific details (use of the word in a specific line, which was not mentioned in the passage, "according to the passage", etc). When I recall everything to create a summary, I lose the hold I have on the detailed information. It's a tradeoff that just isn't worth it for me. Essentially, the what works for some or most people may not work for you. If you need to spend more time reading to get the questions down quickly, do that. If you need to scan through everything in 3 minutes and refer to the passage for half of your questions, do that. As long as you get everything done in time, you're in good shape. Try out a few methods and see what works best for you.
Sam - what do you think about focusing and spending time on only three passages and then guessing on the 4th? I wonder if that is a worth-while strategy. There are always one or two passages that usually take me a long time to read and understand and I'm wondering if maybe I should shoot for 3 passages (presumably get all the questions right) and guess at the 4th passage.
@LCMama2017 I would try a few times both ways and see what gets you a higher score. It really depends on how you are scoring rn. I always run out of time on the last passage, but I'm a slow LSAT reader. I think I'm too worried about remembering every detail. We can work on fixing that together!
Are you guys taking Sept?
@CurlyQQQ yes I'm taking September. I'm going to try to take at least 2 preptests per week from here on out.
@CurlyQQQ yup! What about you? And I'm going to do the same as @astrowise. I started another PT earlier this week but got a migraine. I guess the two-a-week plan will have to start next week!