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Drill Games or PT?

LSATStudent780LSATStudent780 Alum Member
in Logic Games 102 karma

I am wondering whether I should be drilling games by using the Powerscore logic games bible because I did buy it before, or whether I should just continue taking PTs? If I get games wrong, then I can see what I got wrong and try to watch the videos on it? What's the best idea because I am taking the test in September?


  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited August 2018 10801 karma

    I honestly think the Powerscore methodology for Logic games especially is extremely bad. That was the first book I bought too. I still have it and I am torn between throwing it away or giving it to someone. But I can't in any good conscience give it someone :joy: . Maybe I can write a note and say please don't use it - use :joy: :joy:

    But at this point with September being so close if you have used only Powerscore to study its too late to make any major changes in methodology and you should continue to use it.

    What you could do is drill the common and "easier" game types like sequencing, in and out, and grouping by using 7sage videos. Print the drill out by game type. When you are done with each game, watch the video and try to get it under time and all the questions correct. Keep repeating the same game until you get it correct. Then do the next game from the same game type. At least this way you would have strengthened some of the most common game types you may encounter for September take.

  • LSATStudent780LSATStudent780 Alum Member
    102 karma

    Hi Sami! I just started looking into the PowerScore. I am still on chapter 4. I am just worried that I haven't really practiced alot of games yet. I finished 7sage CC, then took 2 PT so far, and feel like everyone is practicing so many games, but I just do the games in the PT and repeat if I get them wrong. What do you recommend?

    @Sami said:
    I honestly think the Powerscore methodology for Logic games especially is extremely bad. That was the first book I bought too. I still have it and I am torn between throwing it away or giving it to someone. But I can't in any good conscience give it someone :joy: . Maybe I can write a note and say please don't use it - use :joy: :joy:

    But at this point with September being so close if you have used only Powerscore to study its too late to make any major changes in methodology and you should continue to use it.

    What you could do is drill the common and "easier" game types like sequencing, in and out, and grouping by using 7sage videos. Print the drill out by game type. When you are done with each game, watch the video and try to get it under time and all the questions correct. Keep repeating the same game until you get it correct. Then do the next game from the same game type. At least this way you would have strengthened some of the most common game types you may encounter for September take.

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    With September being so close, based on what you have told me, I think this is a valid and justifiable concern. I think my best recommendation is if you are not scoring close to your goal score in PT's to wait to take November or depending on how far you are from your goal score to wait this cycle out.

    If you still want to take September test, you can drill any game you do badly on PT by game type till you feel that you would be able to get a similar game next time.

    But if you can wait this test out I highly recommend fool-proofing games. This will definitely help get you really strong in games.

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