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Hello all,
I have been leading the September 2018 study group since June (!) and as d-day is getting closer, I'm happy (?) to announce that I will also be leading BR calls for November 2018 LSAT. This group will be starting a week after the September LSAT (Sep 8) so that people who took or were preparing for September can have a week to rest. We will start on September 20th, which is a Thursday night, at 7:30 PM EST.
If you are interested in joining, please comment down below. If the time chosen most absolutely cannot ever work for you, please message me ASAP so that if there's enough people we can change timing or set up an alternate private group for you. Also, if you are just starting to or about to start PT-ing, this schedule will mainly focus on PTs from 70s and 80s, so PLEASE make sure you do some 40s and 50s before just jumping into the recent tests. Also, this schedule is not meant to be followed rigidly so be sure to take breaks when you need to to combat burnout. PTs are just a guage of your skill, they are not sufficient by themselves, to improve your score. You also need to supplement PTs will timed and untimed drills to solidify your strengths and conquer your weaknesses. As equally important is the need for a thorough BR. This means that you go over every question you were unsure of during timed conditions and write or type out your reasoning. Break down the structure of the stimulus, what the question requires for you, and use your reasoning to eliminate four answer choices and keeping one. This is done so that your reasoning is right in front of you and you can reinforce the right reasoning and get rid of the wrong one. A thorough BR does not consist of "oh well had I looked at it for 2 more seconds, I would've picked D instead of B" you are only doing yourself a disservice.
Here is the tentative schedule:
Here's how the BR groups work:
If you are done the curriculum or almost done the curriculum, join us when you can. We welcome people in all stages of prep. The point of the group is to get your lsat nerd on with other like-minded people and make the process more fun. Expand your thinking and learning by interacting with others! It's all for fun!
Take the PT under timed conditions; BR to the best of your abilities; join us for all or part of the call! For the purposes of the group please don't check the answers beforehand. If you happen to know the answer, keep it to yourself, and win the argument using your reasoning. Also, please don't go "so I know the answer is C but I don't know why B is wrong?" as the purpose is so that we all collaborate on improving our reasoning skills. We will also discuss strategies for getting faster at certain question types.
There will be a spreadsheet posted when we first start PT-ing (so the week of the 20th). Enter the questions you wish to go over on the spreadsheet! Write your name beside the question(s) you wish to cover, if the question(s) you want to cover are already marked by someone else, add your name! The more discussion, the merrier. Generally, we only got through one section each session.
We will be using go-to-meeting (access kindly provided by 7sage) and the link will be the same throughout the entire run of the group. It will also be posted on the first week we start.
Oh yes, and also be sure you have watched Josh's seminar on post-CC strategies:
Edit: Also! If you change your username after posting here please inform me, the system does not automatically change old posts made with older usenames with newer ones.
Update: Based off of my experience and deliberation with some other folks, we're going to try something new for this group. Instead of having a call every week, we will instead have a call every other week. The reason being is that I think that the process of taking a PT, BR-ing it thoroughly, and doing drills to address weaknesses that were ascertained from that PT/BR can be really taxing when repeated weekly. I noticed, among myself and regulars on the call, that having the call scheduled every week really exacerbated burnout. Especially since people would try to force themselves to attend as many calls as possible because they felt they'd be missing out and would neglect signs of burnout. I realize that this means there won't be as many calls but this was a decision made after much deliberation. After all, PTs are just a snapshot of your understanding, the bulk of your learning happens in BR and drilling. Of course, people are free to take a PT or two every week if they need to. There is a tentative schedule posted and it has been amended accordingly.
@btownsquee @Kermit750 @"Tim Hortons" @ElleWoods77 @Cachi2719 @Nov2018Taker @Rooney10 @scales_of_j @BinghamtonDave @alyhobbs @teamteamvicster @fengx346 @SLP_futureJD @elias7291 @ksdenos @LCMama2017 @smartaone2 @lsatplaylist @Grace.H26 @"Jamie Lynn B" @Chitown1518 @martyomegafin @Broccoli180 @xenonhexafluoro @xtinextine @jkjohnson1991 @"Michaela.Pratt1" @AshleighK @turnercm @lawhopeful_13 @SVICTORIA @"alice.shang1" @Linda1205 @"forest.dearing.2017" @bartlet4america @Jenny123 @GreenTea @HaloHalo @Bamboosprout @Hamaseh_S @"samantha.ashley92" @jspps2 @"Robert Nozick" @Nina-LSAT @alyssamcc0593 @lins5h284 @supboarder @cadebiyi1 @mvaleo @Ortiz_44 @lsatstar @SamRoseM @"GREG.JOHNSON1994" @"sherryann.joseph" @Mickey_DC @"Melany.hernandez8008" @monicamartinezgnz @davidfstevens14 @"subi rami" @"keatrice.robertson" @unicornia @mkpeaceofmind2016 @smotlani421 @moyalkim @AliBabas @"kathryn.anne.cullen" @skyeleo @"Dan Thillet" @utetchie @akeegs92 @Gustavus @lchaath1 @ahous001 @H_al1411 @"Wavey Boi" @JenBrooklyn @timfinna25 @LSATPrab @Eweissm1 @Shanuchhetri13 @Nefertari @Like_Spike @cdaddario2 @Nabintou @Cryssie @monp0485 @sbennison @walterfromchina @Alexandriat594 @buckmartin @gracecki @Ch000000 @josie110286 @lexilo64 @emilianoromero21 @"Kristen B" @PhilipToronto @Lawful18 @kilgoretrout @fluke180 @Labelle80 @InteriorCrocodileAlligator @coella @LeslieKnopeIsMySpiritAnimal @GBDC0057 @"R. Philly" @byml6832 @"Adam Hawks" @tekken1225 @"Late Not Never" @carolinebarber18 @Ignatius @"LSAT Warrior Princess" @"paulmv.benthem" @DanielB84 @JK_fish92 @"Prudenter Discere" @adstewa @cokarlovich @"Leah M B" @baoxiu124 @Talebiii @"Sabrina I" @marajh92 @Sarah_39 @Jaejaebinx @kelly1234 @dab4186 @andrewcdang @"Mia Fairweather" @BeRelentless @medhanieghen @"Rachel E" @darialmeda @Dary_019 @ajstephens93 @heidehernandezjimenez @"Victoria.Bordignon" @iamgroot @spark23413 @ShanShan @Jenny123 @TChalla @edorion313 @MarieChloe @karlalopez809 @GenGen85 @akriegler @mazqm11 @"cm.rivest" @daphne06 @"subi rami" @prernafaith @cheyennetlewis @iluvcandy07 @"carolee.changfoot" @timfinna25
I'm in!
Woohooo! I'm in. Thanks for doing this!
I'm here for it, sign me up!
(fyi: I plan to level up to Ultimate+ by that time; I just know that I'll jump the gun if the 80s are available to me before I complete 40-72)
Let me go ahead and join this one in case I need to retake lol
I'm in ! Thank you for doing this.
Please add me!!! Thanks!
Add me please! Thank you!!
Please add me in the event I decide to retake!
Count me in, I'm there for my retake.
Same as some others. Just in case I retake count me in.
Let's do it! One last retake for that scholly!
I 'm in. So happy to see this!!
I'll try it! Thanks so much for organizing! I will not be able to join the calls until 8 pm EST b/c I work until 6 MST. Just FYI.
@SLP_futureJD that's fine we usually go through 11:30 PM EST
Sounds great.
Count me in please and thank you.
Would like to join after I get done with the CC. Thanks for doing this.
I am definitely interested after I complete the CC, likely will join at the end of September. Thanks for setting this up!
I'm interested in joining the BR group too!
I'm interested in joining the BR group! Thank you!
Sounds great! Looking forward to getting started. Thanks for setting this up.
I'm interested
I'm interested!
Count me in lol
thanks for hosting again!!
Would like to join
Wait I love this idea!! Add me please!
I'm in!
I'm in
Due to work, I can't but I will be ready next week for PT83.
this is for november, I think you meant to post on september group.
@btownsquee @ElleWoods77 you guys the know the real reason is because I still have too many gifs I need to share
Everyone has been added (and will continue to be added!)
I would love to be added please! Thank you for doing this!
I love joining it. Please add me in! Thank you!!!
@keets993 Seeing as September is no longer happening for me, please add me to the group!
Count me in!
Guys she is not telling you everything . Not only does she post fire gifs but she is the best study group leader ever . You guys will come to learn we are lucky to have @keets993 as an organizer
would like to join!
Add me please!!!
I'm excited about this study group after reading ellewood's comment
Your username makes you a legend.
I'm in!
Yes, please
Please add me for November! Also can I suggest pushing it back an half hour/an hour? For PST/MST who work full time it would be awesome
Thanks for arranging this!
Me! I'm in!
I would like to be added. Thank you again for doing this!