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A few weeks back I received an email invitation from the LSAC to participate in an Online writing portion (still unclear if this would have replaced my September 2018 in-person section). However, LSAC had over 3,000 applicants accept the invite so I wasn't among one of the ones selected. Are any of you doing the pilot writing section online in the next few weeks?
If you're not doing the pilot, what do you think of the writing section being on a separate day than the rest of the LSAT?
I personally think that the inclusion of the writing portion is distracting to the purpose of the test, and frankly it's a waste of time. I'm not sure why they don't just remove the written part altogether.
Like you, I got the "Thanks but no thanks" email. I think the idea of doing the writing sample at a different time is great. While I do try to write something coherent on the sample, by the time I'm done with the 5 sections on test day, my "Give a insert expletive" meter is on E.
Wow. I didnt even get the "thanks, but no" email. Nada.
No and wtf I wanted the $$ they were offering for doing it
I think that part of the reason they have the writing portion is to acquire a writing sample so that they know the person who took the LSAT is who they say they are, and is the person who is applying. It probably has some effect of preventing cheaters and fake exam takers. I think it's honestly not a big deal, and just view it as a stretch after an intense workout.
Yeah I heard something similar to what @Bamboosprout said for other tests such as the GMAT which has significantly more international test takers. It served as a means of comparing the writing styles in international students' writing samples vs. personal statements to check if they were the real authors of their essays. Though not sure if the LSAT writing sample serves the same purpose or is just a part of tradition at this point. Personally found the writing prompts pretty enjoyable and it's only an extra 35 minutes at the end of the exam.
@"surfy surf" you took the words right out of my mouth
certainly wouldn't have minded that swag fee waiver from LSAC
@eRetaker interesting, I have never heard (or really even gave a thought) to the link between the GMAT writing sample and non-native English speakers. Wish me luck as I'm tutoring Egyptian students in the LSAT during a long term stay in Cairo this fall!
That sounds like a very exciting stay. Good luck on your journey and application process!
Oh wow. Check your spam folders folks!! I'm in! So mad at my provider right now...
@AudaciousRed very jealous! but happy I could help.
Just finished the Online Writing Sample. It was actually a little interesting. All you browsers and online sticky notes will be automatically shut down so make sure you don't have anything important opened before starting. You also have to use your webcam and scan your room for prohibited items. Unfortunately, I was doing this from my bed in the morning so I had to maneuver a bit lol. You also can't copy and paste the password they provide you in the email (your email browser is also shut down) so try to memorize it before you start. The actual writing sample experience was pretty nice, though I would've liked a bigger window frame to type.
You have to scan your room with your webcam?? That’s so creepy and unrealistic like it would take me so long to scan every inch of my room and I’m not going to clear my room out of prohibited items. What if you took it in a Starbucks or library you’d have to scan the whole area? That’s so odd!
@"surfy surf" Yeah, they weren't completely clear on the "scan your room" instruction so I just did a 360 spin with my laptop of the area lol
You were supposed to cam around your feet and all, too, to make sure you didn't have anything under your chair. I did mine in an empty room at our nearby college. I really, really didn't like the online version. Maybe I'm just old. I like having the pencil and paper. I like having the ability to quickly look back and forth at the topic page, or my notes, and not having to scroll anything. Scrolling back and forth eats so much time, I think. All the rules and specifications to do it online made it overly complicated and more stressful than it needed to be.