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June 2015 Retakers Thread

ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
edited March 2015 in June 2015 LSAT 2116 karma
I'd thought it would be great if we got a retakers thread started for this upcoming June Test. What are some things you are planning to do differently? Study materials, schedules, etc.

I underperformed by a lot from my PT average so June it is...

EDIT: I would like to use this thread for June prep so we don't crowd up all the entries. :P


  • mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
    938 karma
    Hey, this is me!

    I plan on studying more. It's not that I really lacked studying before, but I had too narrow a view. I pretty much only studied LG the last month before the Dec. exam. in my defense it was giving me high 150s on my PTs.

    I went through most of the course again. I have clearer understanding when it comes to RC and LR. I need to get them right a lot more often than not now. LG I need to get back into, especially in/out games.

    I work part time, but I have a few more days off than I did last time I studied. I study as much as I can on a given day, whether it be 3 hours or 9 hours. I've actually lost some friends/have other friends annoyed by me because I study 'too much.' That's quite pathetic honestly. I have also invested in Manhattan LR. I haven't really looked into it, but the exercises I have done seem refreshing and I get most of the answers right, so that's good. It's also easier to open up at school vs. a spot at my university with good wifi. Hopefully this gives you an idea moving forward.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    I think this time I am going to just bubble in the correct answers instead of mixing it up :P
    gunna go through manhattan LR (started but hadnt gone far) and go over some more lessons and DRILL DRILL DRILL a lot more than I had
  • markushageylikmanmarkushageylikman Alum Member
    48 karma
    Just curious, does anyone have any recommendations for what kind of schedule I should begin implementing into my daily routine to prepare for the June LSAT? I know this is partially subjective and relative to each individual, but in general the time difference in test administration does pose some changes in how your mind will be working during the test. This will be my third time taking the LSAT. For the February LSAT (on which I got a 164), I gave my body ample time to adjust into a 7AM wake up routine and it definitely helped come test day. Everyone else looked dead and I was awake and ready to go, but with the June LSAT, I feel like the bigger problem would be when I eat breakfast/lunch and what I do in the time leading up to the exam. Any input/openings for discussions would be greatly appreciated!
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited March 2015 3545 karma
    EYOOOOOOOO checking in to this thread. SOLIDARITY GUYS WE CAN DO THIS!!!!

  • NathanialNathanial Alum Member
    124 karma
    Hey guys, I plan on studying more and retaking as well. Ended up with a 164 as well and wanna hit the 170+ mark. I am gonna do the whole course again so i can go back to basics plus also you the Cambridge stuff i set aside to really finish this one strong. thoughts?
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    I'm tired of studying :( lol
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    @emli1000 OMG am I right there with you...
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    But I've been studying since Jan. 1st ... This 30-40 hours per week is not the business!
  • skithebigone91skithebigone91 Free Trial Member
    23 karma
    Hey folks, looks like I ended up in the retake boat as well. Took three months to study for Feb and honestly could've pushed myself harder, I was using powerscore
    and took 17 PTs (Just not enough); it's time to adjust the approach.

    I am applying to law school for the 2016 cycle, any thoughts on retaking in October instead of June?
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    @skithebigone91 Put Powerscore down lol
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    that is a looooong time. Depends on where you are now, what your goals are and if you know of any potential scheduling conflicts that could really mess with studying... also how burnout correlates with you
  • skithebigone91skithebigone91 Free Trial Member
    23 karma
    @emli1000 that's the plan. 7Sage here on out.

    @jdawg113 burnout is something that I've thought about, something that I'll probably have to think about a bit more. I'm uncompromising in that
    I will re-take it. My concern was that my score was 11 points below my PT average 161.
  • JustinaJJustinaJ Alum Member
    223 karma
    Hi guys, I am retaking in June too. Definitely hitting LR way more seriously this time. I was working a full time job, a part time job, and school full time last go around. This time its W.S.L. Work (1job).Sleep.LSAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who's with me?!?! LOL.
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    Welcome everyone!
    @skithebigone91 I would be mindful of burnout. Technically I studied for 7 months before taking the Feb test. I wanna say that I sort of burnt out in December and possibly the week before the test. Pretty sure I had cold-like symptoms the days leading up the test so who knows whether that contributed to my subpar score. Absolutely take that 1-2+ days off if you feel that burn out coming.
  • skithebigone91skithebigone91 Free Trial Member
    23 karma
    @ddakjiking thanks for the advice, I had something similar, up a bit the night before. I was thinking of starting at the beginning of April and just working to dial it in for those 6 months.

    As ya'll probably know, it is easy to get into the habit of reading success and comeback stories online or hearing them and getting into the mindset that it applies to you as well. Definitely do not want to delude myself, but this site, from everything I have read combined with a "can do" attitude seems to produce some real results.

    Thanks for the help!
  • pritisharmapritisharma Alum Member
    477 karma
    I am planning to adjunct my LSAT prep with some additional material for the June test. I am comfortable with LR . Have timing issues with LG and would like to try a different approach with RC. I have heard on this board about Cambridge and Manhattan ? Which is a good adjunct to 7sage ? I do not want to unlearn something I have learnt with 7 sage. I am using the LSAT trainer for LR which helped alongside the techniques l learn here at 7sage .
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    @pritisharma Cambridge offers drilling packets for LR/LG/RC that use PT 1-38. They are conveniently sorted out for you to drill the same game or LR question type in repeated fashion.

    LR: http://www.cambridgelsat.com/bundles/logical-reasoning-by-type/
    LG: http://www.cambridgelsat.com/bundles/logic-games-by-type/
    RC: http://www.cambridgelsat.com/problem-sets/reading-comprehension/

    As for Manhattan, the writer of the Trainer helped create the Manhattan curriculum so you find the lessons to be fairly similar. Of course each Manhattan book just goes into detail more. I've only experienced the Manhattan LR and it's really good.

    And as for RC....I'm not too sure besides just drilling. I suspect I bombed that section but will never know lol.
  • Alexandra3-2Alexandra3-2 Free Trial Member
    edited March 2015 74 karma
    Personally, I've been such a procrastinator. I've barely picked up a book to study for the June LSAT. Law school is my dream but working 40 hrs and traveling to/from work takes so much out of it. I hope I still have time to study since June is fast approaching. I think I'm also scared of taking the exam again because I've flunked before and I almost gave up taking the exam again (Dec 2013). Any advice? Can I study for the June exam?
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    edited March 2015 2116 karma
    @alexandra.k.griffiths What is your last official or unofficial test score? Feel free to private message me if you don't want to say on here but depending on where you're at, 3 months is doable.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    It is possible, Ddak makes a good point in that it does depend on where you are and where you are going for.

    Similarly I work 40 hrs and leave an hr b4 I start and get home an hr after I leave so time is precious... I started waking up early to workout and get some studying in and then try to bang out a bit afterwards too and make the most out of the weekends
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    edited March 2015 3462 karma
    @pritisharma For LG I would suggest using 7sage's LG Bundle it has really increased my score in LG. I managed to get -1 on my last LG PT. I worked through every LG in PT 1-35 from the bundle! For RC I've suggested reading the trainer/the economist/drilling RC passages from Cambridge packets!
  • SapphireSapphire Alum Member
    289 karma
    I plan on restudying EVERYTHING. And really seeing where i went wrong. I'm going to work on in/out games and drill the lr question types more. I also plan on buying the cambridge lsat logic games book to help me as well as the rc book if i can afford them both. I'm going to extend my access on 7sage by 2 months and then im going to do more prep in addition to this one. if i can, i think it would be a great idea to buy the cambridge lsat pt's as well. but i have to see how far my dollars will stretch for me. and does anyone know exactly what makes the june exam best? do you get to see the exam first before you take it? and another question (sorry im full of them), does the lsac grade the experimental section?
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    @Sapphire Nope. June is like Oct and Dec. I just thought a June Thread is fitting since scores came out yesterday and it's the next administration.

    And as far as I know, you don't get to see the experimental section. They grade them...but you just won't see it. :D
  • SapphireSapphire Alum Member
    289 karma
    @ddakjiking what is the significance of having a pt released just before taking the june lsat?
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    @Sapphire I'm a bit confused by what you mean. Can you elaborate? lol.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    @ddakjiking @Sapphire this reminds me about asking JY & @"Dillon A. Wright" what type of sale 7Sage will have for $5.99 since the Feb. LSAT was undisclosed... Maybe some of the other recent PTs that we missed to purchase since we were too busy studying :)
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    haha yeah. @jdawg113 and I talked about this a couple days ago. :P
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    We brought it up a while back in another thread with @Marie4lawschool
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    That would be nice. I need PT 72 *cough* *cough*
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    Me too! & I need that extra month for the June LSAT lol
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    I feel like I bombed the Feb RC section so my goal is get a -3 on RC in June! Who's with me??
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    it felt good to me but I generally feel that way but only do well on the first 2 passages and bomb the last 2 :P but gunna be getting Manhattan RC and really drilling it, if I can improve that to where it should be I'll be in a decent position
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    @jdawg113 Yeah. I read like 20 pages of Manhattan RC and forgot about it. lol. Also, I'm going to make drilling 1-38 RC happen this time. hah
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    i'm doing june too, got some schools waiting on my june score now, i made a 148 which is higher than my 142 2011 score but i had 154s and 153s on my practice tests.. my problem is i haven't gone through the fool-proof method for LG, and the reading comp on the Feb exam was ridiculous although the ganes werent bad. i want at least a 155 for my regional school.
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    knowing that i i purchased the LG bundle...just sort of ran out of time
  • SapphireSapphire Alum Member
    289 karma
    @ddakjiking i know that they release a pt before the june exam. Does it mimic the June exam as in the questions are the same?
  • SapphireSapphire Alum Member
    edited March 2015 289 karma
    @hrjones44 what semester do you plan on applying for?
  • mpits001mpits001 Alum Member
    938 karma
    I've been studying for the June retake since January. It's awesome to know that a wave of others will be joining, sorry it's at the expense of your Feb score!

    Anyone else utilizing LR Manhattan and 7Sage?
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    this fall, many schools are accepting a june score, although super late in the cycle my applications have been submitted for sometime now. if it's too late i'll wait a year

  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    i'm confident i can do it tho just the wait that kills...
  • sophiamdoaksophiamdoak Free Trial Member
    1 karma
    I was getting 163's on the practice exams and ended up with a 148. If anyone has any great tutors in mind or would like to study via skype my email is sophiamdoak@gmail.com. Really bummed about having to retake. Thanks everyone!
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    @Sapphire who is they?
  • skithebigone91skithebigone91 Free Trial Member
    23 karma
    @sophiamdoak I am completely in the same spot. Consistently score between 161-163, ended up with a 147. If you want to bounce some study strategy or ideas back and forth let me know.

    I have a longer term strategy that will have me retaking in Oct. but I'll be studying in June without a doubt.
  • rachelthompson84rachelthompson84 Alum Member
    10 karma
    @sophiamdoak @skithebigone91 I feel your pain. My diagnostic was 145, I was scoring consistently mid 150's on the PT and ended up with a 140!!! I cried and then got over it and decided to focus on June. I had only bought 7sage a few days before the Feb test, otherwise I'm sure I would have done better. I'm burning all my Powerscore books! Lol
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    Would anyone like to join a Skype study group on the weekends?
  • ValBerroaValBerroa Alum Member
    77 karma
    Is there a score requirement? @emli1000
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    We just review the previous PT that we have all took. Of course, it has to be the same PT so that we can review/BR
  • skithebigone91skithebigone91 Free Trial Member
    23 karma
    @rachelthompson84 It is incredibly frustrating. If you want to bounce ideas back and forth or talk new approaches let me know.

    The test not being disclosed makes it just as difficult, but I guess we knew that...
  • Grounded132Grounded132 Alum Member
    3 karma
    Scored 8 below my last-5 PT average in Feb. :(

    Not having the test released just makes it worse since I don't know if it was a gap somewhere or just a fluke....
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    @tjandracalvin Same. I just know I bombed RC lol.
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