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Warm-Up problems on test day

sagemunchkinsagemunchkin Alum Member

hi Sagers!!

for those of you taking the lsat next saturday i am right there with you!! let's make the most of this weekend amirite?! war paint ON

I have been reading about doing a mental warm up on test day. I like this idea because I definitely think I need to get the part of my brain i have reserved for lsat stuff pumped up, focused, & ready 2 GO. I have read a few past blog posts on what people do & have found these helpful. One user suggested reading 1-2 articles, an easy LG section and a few questions from a LR.

I have never done this for my PTs and I think it will help me feel more relaxed! I wanted to do it tomorrow before a PT. All comments, suggestions, personal routines that have worked in the past welcome :)


  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    I slowly went through 1 easy LG that I've done before, and basically just looked over some LR questions. You don't really want to tax yourself, but just to wake up that part of your brain and get in the zone. I do think it helped on test day, especially because I am sooo not a morning person haha. I got up really early, took a brisk power walk, did an easy LG and took one of the LSAC PT books with me to the test site. After parking, opened it up randomly to some LR questions and just read through a few. Of course, left the book in the car, then went in. I think it helped me get the brain going.

  • eRetakereRetaker Free Trial Member
    2043 karma

    I went through 2 LG games, 2 reading passages, and 15 LR questions in the morning to get in the zone.

  • BamboosproutBamboosprout Alum Member
    1694 karma

    Good luck! Hope we all do well next weekend.

    For me, I usually just read 30 minutes of philosophy. It's easier on the mind than doing practice questions, but still gets my mind active.

  • sagemunchkinsagemunchkin Alum Member
    13 karma

    thank you to everyone!!! this has been mega helpful :)

  • sakox010sakox010 Member
    edited September 2018 333 karma

    My general routine is an easy LG, easy RC passage, and answering every 3rd question of an LR section. I don't check to see if I got the questions I got were right or wrong (until after the test). When I take an official test again I'll be sure to use ones that are easier since it's a warmup and I don't want to psyche myself out if I have trouble with a question.

    Ideally, by test day, your LSAT prep should have built upon enough mental stamina that the warmup doesn't contribute to a mental wall during the test.

  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    1777 karma

    I like to do the NY Times crossword to warm up my brain without stressing over LSAT things. The last thing I want to do before attempting a full-length PT/real test is to bomb a practice RC passage, logic game, etc.

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