Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Detour in my plans - 7Sage Forum

Detour in my plans

brizzle525brizzle525 Alum Member
in General 139 karma

So, as a military spouse, I am always at the mercy of the Air Force. We live in Japan, and are scheduled to leave here in May 2019. We had intended to move back stateside, and it would be our last base, since my husband is nearing retirement. We just found out that we will be going to Germany instead. I'm super excited - we love Germany, and lived there before. But what now? I am registered for the October LSAT in Tokyo, and I still plan to take it. It does take some pressure off, since I now have additional (like 4 years) to retake and get it right before law school applications. However, I want to make the best use of my time over the 4 years we will be in Germany. My previous education and experience has all been in English and teaching. I see this move as an opportunity to move into something else - but what? I'm even debating getting a JM or perhaps an MBA. I don't know what to do! Help, please! What do I do in these years to stay on track towards law school and continue building a strong application?


  • ebalde1234ebalde1234 Member
    905 karma

    Figure out your career path and what your end goal is . If you stick with the lsat make sure to pace yourself or you’ll burn out since you have a far stretch if you plan on retaking. Prep for October (if that’s what you plan on doing ) then make a plan after that (time line ). Continue to seek work that provides you with the ability to use your current skills and experience

  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    I would avoid taking on any debt until you figure out what you want to do with your degree. Consider region of practice, field of practice, pay, culture, and stress tolerance. What does your ideal legal career look like? Then consider what the worst case legal career looks like. Pursue the former, but always keep in mind the idea of the latter; "know well what leads you forward and what holds you back"

  • brizzle525brizzle525 Alum Member
    139 karma

    Thank you both! You are right that I need to take the time and really plan for what I want my career to look like. I am very hesitant to take on any additional debt as well. I think I found myself in a panic and felt like I needed to do something, anything to feel in control again. But really, this detour can be a good thing and I’m calmer now and will be doing much praying and planning after the October lsat. Thanks again!

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    First of all I'm jealous! I spent 15 years growing up in Germany and love going back. That being said, there are a lot of ways you can make the most of your time there. Depending on what kind of law you're interested in, you could find ways to explore those interests overseas. My aunt volunteers her time at refugee camps which is something you could do if you were interested in immigration law. And depending on where you will be stationed, I think looking into into some masters programs in Germany could be worth it because many are taught entirely in English and are dirt cheap compared to programs here in the US. (If my Fiance were able to find a job in Germany I totally would have applied to a few programs myself).

  • brizzle525brizzle525 Alum Member
    139 karma

    @"Pride Only Hurts" You bring up some of my considerations, for sure. It would be neat to do a masters program in Germany. I do think I can use this time to explore my interests. I guess I really don't want to feel like I'm just marking time. I'd like to show the adcoms that I took a situation beyond my control and used it help hone my interests and abilities. Thank you all for giving me plenty of food for thought!

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