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Question for 170+ sages?

Nunuboy1994Nunuboy1994 Free Trial Member
in General 346 karma

I have a question for all you sages out there who have scored 170 or higher on an official exam- I know this sort of seems like a stupid question but did you guys read a lot at an early age? I’m just curious as to whether people who score 170+ just tend to read a lot in general. I want to know whether this is a factor that contributes to their elite test taking abilities.


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    edited September 2018 9382 karma

    Here is an AMA with Sage @Daniel.Sieradzki (177):

    He said he didn't read much growing up.

    FYI: Since you did not capitalize the first letter of Sage, you might be referring to 7Sagers who scored 170+ on this Forum. But for one to be a Sage on this Forum, you have to be a ⭐️member first. (See Forum Titles & What They Mean)

  • eRetakereRetaker Free Trial Member
    2043 karma

    @Nunuboy1994 personally never read much up until HS since neither of my parents spoke English. I think if anything my STEM background helped the most in terms of getting the logic and strolling through the RC science passages.

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    I didn’t read recreationally until I was 22, but I’ll now 30 and I read a great deal since then.

  • PhDtoLaWPhDtoLaW Alum Member
    59 karma

    Yes, I read a lot when I was growing up, and I still read a lot. I read NYT, WSJ, Washington Post, fiction books and nonfiction books. RC is still a time crunch for me, but I can finish it and get -1/-2 usually.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    edited September 2018 13286 karma

    Scored a 171 - my only reading was text in video games. I HATED reading for fun, and still don’t do it much. Reading to me has always been almost exclusively reserved for work, but I’m okay with that.

    Most I read was like Harry Potter and Eragon. Lol

    So for me I’d say it wasn’t necessary for my success on this test. What was were things like exposure, repetition, familiarizing myself with the concepts.

  • ExcludedMiddleExcludedMiddle Alum Member
    edited September 2018 737 karma

    OP I would just try to avoid thinking about this kind of thing regardless. All you can do is optimize your prep as best as you can. Worrying about what factors did or did not contribute to others' performance is probably only going to hurt you. Just believe in yourself as someone who's capable and keep at it! Obviously reading challenging material a lot is only going to be a boon to someone's performance in academic contexts, but even if you've felt remiss in that area it doesn't necessarily mean you won't be able to do plenty well on the LSAT.

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28068 karma

    I guess the Goosebump series was what got reading going for me actually. A friend gave me Monster Blood I & II for my birthday which I somehow remember was at a bowling alley that year, lol. I know, I know, Monster Blood I and II were numbers 3 and 18 in the series respectively, but reading them out of order just made them feel that much more dangerous, you know?

    I guess I read quite a bit since then, especially in college. As far as how that contributes to LSAT, and especially RC: definitely helpful, and definitely not necessary.

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