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Reviewing Video Footage

Mia FairweatherMia Fairweather Alum Member
in General 221 karma

I am planning to start recording myself while I am doing drills and reviewing my video footage for both LR and RC just wondering if anyone has a system that works for them, especially for RC.


  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    1777 karma

    I take note of how long I spend on each question, which questions I come back to, and how long I spend on the questions when I come back to them. For example, if I spent a total of 3 minutes on a question that I still got wrong, I should've just skipped it. So why didn't I? What was I thinking in the moment? Conversely, what if I spent 30 seconds on a question and got it wrong? Was I overconfident or did I misread something? Just make sure you don't wait too long to watch the footage because it's easy to forget what you were thinking while you were PTing.

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