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On to conquer logic games

Hi wonderful people,

I am just reaching the end of the LR portion of the CC and I am feeling good, but nervous for logic games. Do you think I should review all of the LR i studied from the beginning for a few days and then move to logic games, or just carry on or alternatively, do both at the same time.

Any advice and encouragement for logic games is appreciated :')


  • lsatgodjklsatgodjk Alum Member
    938 karma

    Logic games will probably be the most foreign thing you will encounter on the LSAT, but many people will agree that it is the most learn-able.

    For example, I scored 6 (-17) on my first ever logic game section and with about 2-3 weeks of watching JY's free games lessons on youtube, I was able to get up to 17 correct. I still haven't gotten to the games portion on the CC, but I'm confident I can get maybe 20 right with a little bit of full-proofing.

    Games are fun, especially when you start learning how to do them. Keep at it and don't let the hard ones keep you down.

  • GreatDay8GreatDay8 Alum Member
    130 karma

    After LR, I spent like a day or two summarizing all of it's subheadings/JY's Notes/My notes into a 2-page document. Like JY said - at the end of LR, you should be able to see how all of the different LR question stems grow from the same foundation of reasoning and basically just require you to see the different approaches of analyzing logical relationships. This process of summarizing all of LR helped to see how all of the question stems are different but interrelated. The summary is also a great tool for making quick references, for example, like say in 3 weeks you suddenly feel unclear as to the difference between SA & NA Questions

  • GreatDay8GreatDay8 Alum Member
    130 karma

    To add to this ^ I am in the thick of LG right now. Be prepared that it is very different from LR. The beauty of LG is that when you fully understand a game and it's setup, the correct answers will jump out at you with certainty. Sequencing Games you will catch onto and feel confident with. Grouping games comes after and is the more challenging of both game types. But if you mind your timing and keep at it, you will see yourself getting stronger. All it takes is practice and familiarity with the questions.

  • mjmonte17mjmonte17 Alum Member
    757 karma

    I would do both at the same time, but prioritize LG. I think it's important not to take too long of a break from any one section of the test. Try to keep your LR skills sharp.

  • keepgoing.keepgoing. Member
    edited October 2018 365 karma

    thank you all for the thoughtful replies!!

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