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"Description" for Phi Beta Kappa

Hey guys, I have a question about the "Education" section of some schools' applications. If anyone's in Phi Beta Kappa, what did you put for the "Description"? "Honor Society"? There's a pretty small character limit.


  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    1804 karma

    "Top X% of graduating class."

  • m.deardenm.dearden Member
    28 karma

    Thanks for the help. Any idea where to find that information? I'm pretty sure it varies from school to school. At the induction the guy said 3ish, but I don't remember seeing a hard cut off anywhere

  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    edited September 2018 1804 karma

    @"m.dearden" said:
    Any idea where to find that information? I'm pretty sure it varies from school to school.

    I too believe it varies from school to school. You may want to contact your school's chapter (?). In my case, requirements, criteria, and percentage were specified in the invitation and on the website.

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