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Main Conclusion Questions

Does anyone have recommendations on main conclusion questions? I am struggling in that category and can not seem to get it down. Seems like my biggest problem is finding the conclusion and premise when there is nothing but an argument starting with But,although, and however. The easier questions I don't seem to have issues with, its when we start getting towards that the harder questions.


  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    It sounds like you just need more practice doing these problems. Grind out a few hours of main point questions, break down each argument into premises, sub-conclusions and main-conclusions. You'll learn these ones by doing; there's no real strategy, this is just something that you have to grind out. The only tip I have, is when you are comparing the parts of the an argument, push the parts together and ask yourself "which one of these two statements supports the other?" do this with all of the sentences and you'll eventually find the main conclusion.

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