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Help with Recommenders

Isaiah4110Isaiah4110 Alum Member
in General 275 karma

I already have two academic letters but I am trying to decide who I should ask for a third letter. Since I have been out of school for a couple years, should I ask from a law-related internship supervisor or from a non law-related work colleague? In comparison to the semester long internship that took place three years ago, I have worked with this colleague on two major projects over the past two years. I call him a colleague because he has never been my direct supervisor but still a senior staff. My dilemma is that I did a lot of policy writing and advocacy work, which I think matter more to law schools than the quantatitive and managerial work I did for my job. However, my job is obviously a lot more recent than the internship. Would it look bad on me if I have been working for the same job for the past 2.5 years but don’t get a recommendation from work? Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    edited October 2018 1804 karma

    Whoever can write the better letter is the best choice.

    Would it look bad on me if I have been working for the same job for the past 2.5 years but don’t get a recommendation from work?

    No, because law schools fully understand people want and need to earn their livings.

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma

    I think you’re supposed to get it from a supervisor, not from essentially a coworker

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    I think generally it's better to have a letter from a supervisor than a colleague. I think your internship supervisor would be a great choice. And no, they won't look down on not having one at your current job. I'd use this 3rd letter only if really needed though, since you're only a couple years out of school, most law schools are going to prefer academic references.

  • Isaiah4110Isaiah4110 Alum Member
    275 karma

    Thank you all so much!

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