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apply now or wait?

I currently have a score on file (my score was a 168) - am wondering if I should go ahead and submit my apps or wait until the november test? hoping to break 170


  • LSAT_WreckerLSAT_Wrecker Member
    4850 karma

    Need more information to give you an assessment, i.e. what are the medians at your target schools?

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    edited October 2018 3652 karma

    Apply now unless you’re aiming for t6 or if your GPA is below the medians. If you’re a splitter then wait.

  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    edited October 2018 2531 karma

    Apply to every school where you are above median or at median, hold off for schools where you are below median. "Median" includes GPA and LSAT. You want to be above average at least before you apply, otherwise, sending out the best possible app is better than sending out the earliest possible app.

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