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Patz4lifePatz4life Alum Member
edited March 2019 in General 214 karma



  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    I didn't get accommodations, but I'll chime in. I think you should ask for 2x. But you can take PTs with 1.5x and 2x and see how you do.

    LSAC is a lot more accommodation friendly these days. Asking for 2x doesn't preclude you from getting 1.5x.

    Good luck and don't delay asking for an accommodation. You should be practicing based on how much time you'll have on test day.

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    edited October 2018 9382 karma

    I think you should try taking a PT with 2x and see if it works for you. I don't think you will get denied if you have proper documents by your doctor that prove the need for 2x.

    But just so you know, you can also ask for extra breaks between sections and additional rest time if you need them:

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