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Dyslexia and the LSAT

Cruz....Cruz.... Free Trial Member
in General 4 karma

I really need help. I received my BS in '13 and received a 138 on the June 2013 LSAT. Got a 136 in June 2014 and 134 in 2015. My GPA: 3.86

I do not know how to study. Also, I am dyslexic, so reading fast is very difficult. Any advise?


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    I take it that you mean you don't know how to study for the LSAT because your GPA is very good. Have you thought about getting accommodations for extra time? If reading speed is the main issue, then that might really help. Did you study before your takes? I would not recommend taking the test until you are getting the scores you want on practice tests.

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