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Score Increase

Amrina96kAmrina96k Alum Member

Any tips for increasing the score from around a 149-150? This is my second time taking the test and have one month left, so any study tips for the second time aroung would be great!


  • Logic GainzLogic Gainz Alum Member
    700 karma

    Study with someone else if you can.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Depends on what your section breakdown is, goal score is and what your BR score is. That'll help us give you more personalized tips.

  • diontretdiontret Alum Member
    80 karma

    Finish your CC if you have not already finished it. Then start from game 1-35 and full proof over and over. Your goal is to be perfect at the games section and that takes repetition. Then practice what you have learned in your CC. Then you get accurate in applying those CC skills and consistently get the answers correct in LR . It helps if you can prephase an answer before you get to the answer choices. Once you start getting accurate with your answer choices then you can start doing timed sections to improve your timing. This will help you get faster at recognizing the logical relationships.

  • Amrina96kAmrina96k Alum Member
    144 karma

    @diontret Thank you so much for all that! I am currently working my way through the CC. I have completed several timed practice tests already while preparing for my first lsat, but I would definitely like to get through many more for my second test. I've decided to practice as much as I can for LG and LR, although RC is my weakest section. I believe it's easier to improve on the other two because I just can't figure out how I can get better on RC.

  • Amrina96kAmrina96k Alum Member
    144 karma

    @keets993 Thank you so much for replying to my comment! So on my previous timed practice tests score breakdown was about the same in all three sections. It was -14 on RC(always my worst section), -7 & -12 on both LR sections, and -13 on LG. While doing practice tests prior to my first test date I just couldn't get past the 150 range. My goal score for the November test, my second lsat, is high 150s or even a 160. I haven't done the BR yet, but I will be doing it tomorrow or Monday and I will keep you posted on how I do on that.
    I'm working my way through the CC so I can refresh my memory on all the strategies, but it would be very helpful if I can get help on an effective study plan that I could follow to improve my score.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    @Amrina96k so right now you're missing about 46 questions. To get in the high 150s or hit a 160 you can miss around 31 to 26/25 questions. That means you need to get about an extra 15 to 20 questions correct. The first thing I would suggest is foolproofing logic games and getting that -13 to about a -2 or even 0. That means that between RC and LR you need to reduce your errors by 4 or 6. For RC, are you reaching all the passages in timed conditions? Or are you running out of time? For LR, do you get all the low-hanging fruit (the easy questions?) or do you waste time on really difficult 5-star questions. I'd recommend recording yourself while taking the test so you can come up with ways to effectively maximize your time.

    To be honest, I don't know how likely it is to reach this goal score in less than a month but it also depends on your BR score. If your BR score is already in the low or mid 160s then it means you need to work on your timing. If your BR score is lower than your goal score then it means that you need to work through the CC again and brush up on your fundamentals. The reason being is that your BR score is untimed so its your theoretical maximum. If you're not able to score higher than your goal score untimed, it's highly likely you'll reach it under timed conditions. I would recommend keeping January open as an option.

    Keep us updated and we'll try our best to help you.

  • Kaleighns4Kaleighns4 Alum Member
    45 karma

    @diontret This may be a silly question, but when you say fool proof games 1-35, you mean fool proof every game on PT 1-35, correct? I can see that you have the starter package too, so how did you get access to those tests? If I am completely off base, let me know lol.

  • thayraythayray Free Trial Member
    66 karma

    Is there a page where these abbreviations are explained (CC, BR)?

  • iFrannieiFrannie Alum Member
    50 karma

    @thayray said:
    Is there a page where these abbreviations are explained (CC, BR)?

    CC is core curriculum and BR is blind review

  • SabrinaISabrinaI Alum Member
    27 karma

    @keets993 Hi, quick question. What's the best way to work on timing? I think I get really nervous during PTs and end up doing pretty bad. My PTs are at 150 now but my BR average around 163/164. Any advice would help!

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    @SabrinaI without a score breakdown of your sections (and your goal score) it's hard to go into details but basically you need to get used to doing it timed. This can be accomplished through specific drills or just employing an effective skipping strategy. You can also try meditating before the test and not puting so much pressure on yourself. Stop going "Oh I'm scoring xyz on BR so I deserve a timed score of xyz" you have to earn it through each question. Don't focus on the test overall ("Well I tanked this section, so no way I'm getting my score on this test) but on each question and each section individually. You can message me for more specifics if you don't feel like posting here.

  • SabrinaISabrinaI Alum Member
    27 karma

    I left you a message in your inbox! Thank you ! @keets993

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