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Pushing test back but burned through exams

ecarr_12ecarr_12 Live Member
edited October 2018 in General 187 karma

So, I broke the cardinal rule. I burned through a decent amount of recent PTs (70-77) because I thought I was going to take the November test. Instead, I'm waiting another cycle due to a new job opportunity (which I think will give me an edge admissions wise), my genuine feeling that I can still improve, and my desire to be an early applicant (aiming for June LSAT to apply for fall 2020).

I still have some PTs from 50-60s untouched along with 78 and up. Would it be a bad idea to alternate my weekly PTs from older to newer? Or just jump around in general ? How signifigant are the differences between the way exams are formulated among these groups ? Will I be hurting/confusing myself? Either way, I feel like this may be my only option. As I like the momentum of taking a PT every week and strcuturing the rest of my study week around BR and question type drills.


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Okay, so it sounds like you have about twelve untouched PTs from 50+, right? I think your strategy is going to depend on how much you want to improve. If it's a decent amount (like 8+ points), I would redo the CC. I know you might feel like this is a drag if you've already been through it, but I really do think there's a lot to be gained by a second go through, and since you have eight months and not very many PTs I think it would be a really good idea. Here's what I would do:

    Months 1 and 2: redo CC
    Months 3 and 4: Foolproof games and drill LR types you have difficulty with
    Month 5: PT every other week with thorough BR and drilling in between
    Months 6, 7, and 8: PT once a week

    You have a lot of time between now and the June 2019 test. That means you can really pick apart your weaknesses without feeling rushed.

  • ecarr_12ecarr_12 Live Member
    187 karma

    @MissChanandler Sorry I should've mentioned my studying history. I have been studying for over a year. Spent a lot of time upfront with fundamentals. Have gone through the CC twice, and already foolproofed LG 1-35 (which I still continue to revisit). Diagnostic was a 149, my avg. PT score is mid 160's, aiming for a 170. My weakest area is RC, which I know is the hardest to improve on. But you are absolutely right, I am going to dedicate the majority of my time to really focusing on my weaknesses. This exam is 100% learnable.

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    gotcha! I don't think that doing older tests will hurt. I'd definitely still save your newer fresh PTs for the couple months before the actual test.

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