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Register for Core Curriculum?

PanicExpertPanicExpert Free Trial Member
in General 6 karma

Hi! I am taking the LSAT in Jan 2019. I have completed a prep course(Not 7Sage) and sadly have not noticed much progress with my score/studying habits. My highest PT score being 142 and lowest 132. I wish I had signed up for the 7sage Core Curriculum earlier on when I started this journey.

Do you(7Sagers) feel I would be able to complete the core curriculum in a months time? and then just do PT's for Dec and Jan...I am wondering this is realistic study plan to meet my target score of 160 in Jan. I am not sure how much time is recommended for people to complete the core curriculum.

Thanks :)


  • EAnn8771EAnn8771 Alum Member
    edited November 2018 126 karma

    I think completing the CC in a months time is doable if you put in the hours. I was able to only because I was studying full-time. However most will advise to go over the main points of the CC again after you finished it the first time, then do question drills (especially fool proofing LG), and then PT (around 20-30+, with around 2 every week to give yourself time to review in between). So just doing PT at the max end is 15 weeks, or 3.5 months. But keep in mind people do PT until they get the score they want and maintain that score over numerous PT, so it is hard to say exactly how many one should take; a good starting point is 20-30+. Starting with a score range of 132-142 and you wanting to take the January exam with a goal score of 160 will require a lot of work.

    7sage offers a study schedule which can be found here:
    More on fool proofing LG can be found here:
    A great webinar about what to do after CC:

    I definitely think a leap of 142-160 is doable, since it sounds like you just need to get the basics down and expand on them. But it takes months to make that kind of leap and maintain it. Have you thought of postponing or signing up for the March exam? Nonetheless I wish you all the best in your studies!

  • PanicExpertPanicExpert Free Trial Member
    6 karma

    Thank you so much for your response! I appreciate the guidance, support and resources you have shared! I will most likely sign up for the March exam as well. I am applying for fall 2019 admission cycle that is why I am writing the Jan exam. At this point I will just give it my best shot and then apply again for the next cycle if need be.

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    Sign up and if you aren't ready for January despite your best efforts than you can delay until the next cycle. No point in committing to January as a last ditch effort and March is probably too late. Of course you can still earn admission to schools past March, but chances of admission are lower and scholarship opportunities are fewer. Plan for success but be flexible in your commitment to 2019 if you want to maximize your candidacy!

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