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Testing in June? How to go from 161 to 170+?

PrincessPrincess Alum Member
in General 821 karma

My gpa is 3.66 and I am aiming for the T14, so I have decided to delay a cycle to test in June! I am asking for strategies to go from 161 to 170+. The highest BR I have had so far is 170. How exactly should I study and improve? What tips do you have?


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    Hey @gurikaur,

    Can you post your latest section breakdown (e.g. LG: -3, LR: -7,-5, RC: -10)? That would help other 7Sagers give you good advice!

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    There are so many tools. Think about what you would expect to hear from a coach or a tutor. Identify weaknesses using the LSAT analytics resource and work on those. Go back to the core curriculum. Be honest about your blind review process. Look into your timing strategy. You have plenty of time to address every weakness and reinforce the strengths you already have. Both will translate into higher accuracy and speed. Your BR max should improve and your timed scores should as well.

  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Thank you so much! For PT 41it was a 161with these stats- LG: -2, LR: -6,-10, RC: -8). The BR was 170 with these stats LG: -0, LR: -0,-6, RC: -4). Could you provide any advice?

    @akistotle said:

    Hey @gurikaur,

    Can you post your latest section breakdown (e.g. LG: -3, LR: -7,-5, RC: -10)? That would help other 7Sagers give you good advice!

  • PolemarchusPolemarchus Alum Member
    53 karma

    I went from a 163 in September 2017 to a 172 in September 2018. Studying a ton and not getting psyched out on test day were keys for me. With your score breakdown, it sounds like you could benefit from more leisure reading. How much time do you spend per day on non-lsat reading?

  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Tbh, I did not spend much time on non-lsat reading. What readings do you recommend? I feel like I'm struggling with the LR and keeping it consistent. What were some strategies you used to study for the LR and RC? I feel like I don't even know what to study because I don't want to keep ruining PTs, but at the same time I don't want to only be using 1-40 PTs. I've heard that it just gets harder and is more different in the 70s and 80s. Thank you so much for helping!

    @Polemarchus said:
    I went from a 163 in September 2017 to a 172 in September 2018. Studying a ton and not getting psyched out on test day were keys for me. With your score breakdown, it sounds like you could benefit from more leisure reading. How much time do you spend per day on non-lsat reading?

  • Rigid DesignatorRigid Designator Alum Member
    edited November 2018 1091 karma

    You will have to get very good at getting the low hanging fruit on LR. Easy questions should feel easy and you should be able to breeze through them. This will give more time for the curve breakers. You should be doing enough LR blind review and watching enough of J.Y.'s explanations that you start to get a really good feel for LR questions. That's what worked for me.

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