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⚡Official November 2018 LSAT Discussion Thread⚡



  • lady macbethlady macbeth Alum Member
    894 karma

    predictions on the curve?

  • AngusMcGillisAngusMcGillis Member
    403 karma

    I haf> @"lady macbeth" said:

    @T-SERIES yes it was the real LG. how did you feel about it? i also had two LG's. my test was LG RC LR break LR LG. i knew the mining was real because they hardly ever put experimental in sections 4-5 (this is just what i've heard) also my first LG was way too easy to not be experimental.

    I had 2 LG aswell, I'm so glad the mining section was real. I thought my first section (last game having16,17,18) was pretty tough

    I can't really remember LR questions
    LR with tunnel was real, and I remember a question with regular mail, and the ACs kept talking about express mail

  • lady macbethlady macbeth Alum Member
    894 karma

    I thought LR was hard for this test. LG & RC were both fair.

  • JK_fish92JK_fish92 Alum Member
    175 karma

    Two games sections: one with law firm employees working certain cases the other had a weird game at the end with engineer and headquarters? I think that’s the mines? Second one I mentioned was real?

    LR section with PED seemed really difficult compared to the other one. Maybe it was just me.

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    So I had LR-LG-LR-RC-LR

    I believe Bonbos eating leaves was the first section so that was real? Felt easy. Middle one took much longer to get through than I’m used to, so I’m guessing that’s the expirimental LR? Anyone know?

  • AngusMcGillisAngusMcGillis Member
    403 karma

    @"lady macbeth" said:
    I thought LR was hard for this test. LG & RC were both fair.

    Yeah I agree, I was just nervous for my first section.

    @"lady macbeth" said:
    predictions on the curve?

    -9? LG was pretty easy gotta assume a lot of 0s

  • smp_419smp_419 Alum Member
    edited November 2018 38 karma

    @"Pride Only Hurts" The middle one you had was experimental. I was LR-LG-RC-RC-LR. The bonbos/leaves and Gulf Stream were the first questions on LR.

  • AngusMcGillisAngusMcGillis Member
    403 karma

    @"Pride Only Hurts" said:
    So I had LR-LG-LR-RC-LR

    I believe Bonbos eating leaves was the first section so that was real? Felt easy. Middle one took much longer to get through than I’m used to, so I’m guessing that’s the expirimental LR? Anyone know?

    I had 2 real
    LR (25 Questions): Bonobos Monkeys, Evergreen trees Parallel/ Parallel Flaw right at the end
    LR (25 Questions): Crux Question about ants making tunnels with specific type of resin. Osteoporosis

    LR with 26 questions was experimental

  • lady macbethlady macbeth Alum Member
    894 karma

    @AngusMcGillis said:

    Yeah I agree, I was just nervous for my first section.

    -9? LG was pretty easy gotta assume a lot of 0s

    i agree on this. but during break, i overheard a lot of people saying LG was hard. so hopefully -10 haha or -11

  • AngusMcGillisAngusMcGillis Member
    403 karma

    @"lady macbeth" said:

    i agree on this. but during break, i overheard a lot of people saying LG was hard. so hopefully -10 haha or -11

    Bless up


  • ExcludedMiddleExcludedMiddle Alum Member
    737 karma

    Anyone who had experimental LR and has determined which section it was, was it the second LR?

  • tbrit011tbrit011 Alum Member
    48 karma

    @ExcludedMiddle said:
    Anyone who had experimental LR and has determined which section it was, was it the second LR?

    The middle one with the most questions seems to be the experimental

    84 karma

    even with all of the LR info I'm still confused haha. I had three sections and I cant quite remember what was in each one, but I think the experimental had a questions about people with Halverson (SP?) disease and a certain gene (maybe TP2?) - question was sort of towards the end. Does anyone who had 2 LR sections remember this one?


  • msk12345msk12345 Alum Member
    247 karma

    @"lady macbeth" said:
    predictions on the curve?

    I'm going to guess -11. Based 90% on unfounded optimism and 10% on the 1st LR being hard and the mining logic game.

  • Prudenter DiscerePrudenter Discere Alum Member
    234 karma

    Did anyone with 2LR had an LR with 26 questions

  • Nabintou-1Nabintou-1 Alum Member
    edited November 2018 410 karma

    LR was trash.

    BUT RC was great!

  • HemingwayHemingway Alum Member
    177 karma

    Did anyone else find the second LR hard? It felt way harder than the first one. I was hoping the experimental LR was real.. smh.

  • ExcludedMiddleExcludedMiddle Alum Member
    737 karma

    @tbrit011 said:

    The middle one with the most questions seems to be the experimental


  • Late Not NeverLate Not Never Alum Member
    56 karma

    @LSATTTTTTTT said:
    even with all of the LR info I'm still confused haha. I had three sections and I cant quite remember what was in each one, but I think the experimental had a questions about people with Halverson (SP?) disease and a certain gene (maybe TP2?) - question was sort of towards the end. Does anyone who had 2 LR sections remember this one?


    I only had 2LR and didn't have those questions on mine! I had 2 RC and am very glad the Indus Valley one seems to be real!

  • luwenxi6luwenxi6 Alum Member
    edited November 2018 53 karma

    Does anybody get 3 LR that all have 25 questions?

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @"lady macbeth" said:
    predictions on the curve?

    Probably -10

  • Isaiah4110Isaiah4110 Alum Member
    275 karma

    @keets993 I had the same break down as you:
    LR: bonobos
    LR: duck and nesting
    LR: Amazon river, psychologist and thinking/language

    No penguins.

    84 karma

    @luwenxi6 I honestly thought I really messed up the test based on what other people have been saying about the 26 question section being fake. I had 3 LRS and I'm 90% sure they had 25 questions each. Some other people have talked about a penguin question that I don't remember, but I think there was a section with a question about halverson disease towards the end and that was fake. Maybe there were two experimental LRS this time or we just really messed up.

  • bonsly16bonsly16 Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    @luwenxi6 said:
    Does anybody get 3 LR that all have 25 questions?

    I did. I had LR LR LG Reading LR. My last LR I thought was hard. That was the one with the psychologist infantile thinking question and then a question about PEDs. I hope that was experimental cause I think I did terrible on that.

  • MorganDobersekMorganDobersek Alum Member
    18 karma

    Mine was LR, RC, LR, LR, LG

    Im thinking the second LR was experimental (it seemed so much harder). What do you guys think???

  • ExcludedMiddleExcludedMiddle Alum Member
    737 karma

    @MorganDobersek said:
    Mine was LR, RC, LR, LR, LG

    Im thinking the second LR was experimental (it seemed so much harder). What do you guys think???

    I had the same order and also felt that the second LR was the hardest one. I didn't finish it completely.

  • mmmmmkk99mmmmmkk99 Alum Member
    56 karma

    I had RC, LR, LR, break, & LG. (in that order)

    RC - Indus Valley, Big Bang..and that's all I can remember.

    LR - all the q's for these are jumbled but I had one section with Rhesus monkeys, one with building tunnels, and I believe another with the Amazon River. Not sure which one of these were my experimental

    LG - mining (super difficult, pretty sure I aced all other games but ended up coming back to this one after skipping and guessing on 2~3 questions.

  • ExcludedMiddleExcludedMiddle Alum Member
    edited November 2018 737 karma

    I liked today's RC even though I was tired and slow in it. I got stuck on some questions in the one about films. The topics were all interesting, though. I'm familiar with some of the Big Bang views already, so when I got to that passage I was mad that it was the last one. Hopefully everyone did well!

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    That moment when you find out the section you probably bombed because you had to pee was experimental.

  • Lucas CarterLucas Carter Alum Member
    2804 karma

    @"lady macbeth" said:
    predictions on the curve?

    I guess the question becomes if the RC was easy to compensate for the Mining Game. I had a great day and thought RC was not as bad as the past few we have seen, but that could be due to all kinds of factors. What do you think?

  • alialialialialiali Alum Member
    20 karma

    LG, RC, LR, LR, LG. Last LG was really difficult. First I breezed through. Which is experimental?

  • Lucas CarterLucas Carter Alum Member
    2804 karma

    @alialiali said:
    LG, RC, LR, LR, LG. Last LG was really difficult. First I breezed through. Which is experimental?

    Real LG had a game about Mining

  • tekken1225tekken1225 Alum Member
    770 karma

    Is it just me or was LR hard?

    So is it agreed that the LR with 26 questions was experimental?

    I actually thought the whole test was hard. Feeling very depressed. :(

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    I had two RC's. Not sure which was which. One about Golden Age film techniques. I forget the others. My head hurts. One section was significantly harder then the other, I think. Hoping the easier one was legit. LoL.
    And miners should just go home. That one was downright evil.

  • Lucas CarterLucas Carter Alum Member
    2804 karma

    @AudaciousRed said:
    I had two RC's. Not sure which was which. One about Golden Age film techniques. I forget the others. My head hurts. One section was significantly harder then the other, I think. Hoping the easier one was legit. LoL.
    And miners should just go home. That one was downright evil.

    Golden Age Films was real. Also passage about Indus Civ, Big Bang, and Comparative passages about Law

  • brookeshay96brookeshay96 Alum Member
    7 karma

    so was the lg about social workers, doctors, and nurses, experimental?

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    Bombed first LG (very first section for me). Came back focused in the next couple sections. My last section was the real LG and I finished everything and had 1 minute left. Feels good! Also had amazing proctors and did not hear a single person cough or sharpen a pencil or anything! Perfect confluence of events???

  • Fluccci3Fluccci3 Alum Member
    63 karma

    Was Amazon into Pacific real??? Thank you :)

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    @Fluccci3 said:
    Was Amazon into Pacific real??? Thank you :)


  • ksdenosksdenos Alum Member
    edited November 2018 102 karma

    Two LG, two LR, 1 RC. Heard the mining LG real? That’s a bummer, I really liked the experimental section.

  • Fluccci3Fluccci3 Alum Member
    63 karma

    Do you remember any thing else from that section? Was that the section with athletes?!

    LOL, I remember nothing

    @drbrown2 said:


  • J.K. PettitJ.K. Pettit Alum Member
    7 karma

    About 20min into our first section, the fire alarm went off. We all looked around, not sure what to do. I thought for a moment this was the 5min warning, but no. What a way to start the day.

    Messed up my rhythm when we got back in, but the day as a whole went well. I thought my two previous PTs were significantly harder. I managed to complete logic games in under 30min for the first time ever, so I chose a heck of a time to do that. I either did really well or really terrible, but I'm an optimist, so woo!

  • 1042 karma

    LR, RC, LR, LR, LG

    RC: Big Bang is the real one (only one I remember)

    LR: Did anyone get a section about a person buying property with a swimming pool? That section was so hard. I hope it’s experemental

  • sc1293sc1293 Alum Member
    134 karma

    Had LR-RC-LR-LR-LG

    Did anyone have an LR with parallel flaw for the last question? I'm hoping that it was my experimental.

  • yypc2001yypc2001 Member
    9 karma

    I had 2 RC, 2 LR, 1 LG.

  • Trust the ProcessTrust the Process Alum Member
    304 karma

    @TheDeterminedC said:
    LR, RC, LR, LR, LG

    RC: Big Bang is the real one (only one I remember)

    LR: Did anyone get a section about a person buying property with a swimming pool? That section was so hard. I hope it’s experemental

    Yes! that question was so hard. im praying it was experimental

  • nhafen23nhafen23 Member
    edited November 2018 40 karma

    I had:
    LG, RC, LR, LR, LG

    The first lg set was very hard for me. Last LG set was a breeze. I think I'm correct but can someone confirm please? Real LG section was the one with 2 mines and HQ right and one about 6 people giving a speech right?

    The scored RC was about Indus Valley.

  • Simple ManSimple Man Alum Member
    448 karma

    Well shit, it's been a journey y'all. This was my 5th and final LSAT. I had LR LG LR RC LR, and liked that rhythm a lot. Despite that mining game curveball, I think this LSAT was way easier than some of the other ones I've taken. I couldn't help but smile when the first LR section question was about bonobos, @"pacaque the prediction macaque" was right! Perhaps that put me at ease. Congrats to all those who ascended to sage mode today. I know I didn't lol, but I can tell you that's an accomplishment, especially if it's your first take. Good luck everyone, hope y'all get the score of your dreams! Relax and enjoy the holidays.

  • malik.sannamalik.sanna Alum Member
    36 karma

    @nw199593 said:
    Did the real LR section had a question about building a station that does not have a tunnel or something like that?

    yup the real LR did

  • FindingSageFindingSage Alum Member
    2047 karma

    I just want to say thank you all so much for posting here! I just finished. My first section was LR and based on what I am reading here it looks like that was the experimental. It was the first time in awhile I didn’t quite get through all of it and there was a lot of long stimuluses and point at issue questions. It really threw me off but my next section which was that reading comp felt better. The reading comp was the Indius Valley. In case others are still wondering the logic games section with the mining game was real. It looked the hardest so I skipped it and did a different game instead. That was really the right move because when 5 minutes was called I had 2 or 3 questions left from the mining game and answered all of them-not as much confidence as in other logic game questions but did finish which was a big deal for me as timing is something that has been an issue for me with that section.

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