@Haglerfran said:
It's Monday morning post-LSAT and I am lost with what to do with my time since I am not studying. Anyone feeling the same weird way? Lol
Absolutely, it's a weird reality not having to study right now
I literally feel like time isn't moving lol. Whereas before it was never enough time in the day.
@Haglerfran said:
It's Monday morning post-LSAT and I am lost with what to do with my time since I am not studying. Anyone feeling the same weird way? Lol
Gosh yes! I feel so unproductive. I've been binge watching some TV shows when I know I should be working on apps smh.
Yes apps...part 2 of the process...i told myself i would take this week off, celebrate Thanksgiving with my family bc my nose has been in the books for months and come Monday I'll get right back on it.... any shows to recommend?
Hey that is a good idea. I was going to start my apps right away today, but man, I am so freaking burned out from months of nonstop studying. I've just been lounging around.
I think I will take this week off too, and start those apps Monday after Thanksgiving.
Besides, it's completely useless to submit my apps before my LSAT score from Saturday gets released.
Try Haunting of the Hill House on Netflix. Fair warning though, it's pretty sad. More sad than scary, haha.
@sc1293 said:
Do you guys remember whether the LR section with question about a girl sending her application to be considered for an award, and mailing her application within 10 days was an experimental or the actual??
It was real, I had 2 LRs and seen this question.
I remember this one because I thought that amazon prime and the express option was totally going to screw people up
Thanks!! Also wondering if you recall a question about a study done with two groups, one group given a self-help medical book and the other without!!
@Haglerfran said:
It's Monday morning post-LSAT and I am lost with what to do with my time since I am not studying. Anyone feeling the same weird way? Lol
Absolutely, it's a weird reality not having to study right now
I literally feel like time isn't moving lol. Whereas before it was never enough time in the day.
Absolutely. I feel like there is a void in my life where the LSAT used to be. But who knows, maybe I'll have to study again :S
For whatever reason, I was completely unable to understand the mining logic game. As time was expiring, I just "Charlied out" 3 of the questions. Didn't help that after I skipped it and moved on, on the next game I failed to set up my days of the week properly at first--I started my week with Monday... That was an easy fix after I realized what I'd done...
In LR the stupid oyster question was absurd--can't even remember what I guessed for that one. The password question sucked, but I think I got it. The car theft question took a while, but I finally figured it out, too. The "bats" question gave me a hard time.
Everything else I thought was pretty straightforward.
I can't really remember exactly how the writing part was worded, but I wrote the whole thing about building "telescopes" and not about "observatories." Is that a major F-up or was that implied? Did anyone else do this? Hope no one reads that thing. LOL! At least I realized that I initially referred to the "astrOLOGY" department instead of the "astronomy" department and fixed that.
@Supernovice - definitely ok to talk about telescopes instead of observatories. I used them interchangeably throughout my essay. (I am in my 6th year of an Astronomy PhD program.) Also definitely good that you did not write astrology, very common mistake but very different things!
I panicked bc I swear the first LG had a question with 2 answer choices. The whole experimental LG was not fun. Inside/Outside Flower Landscaping stuff I believe?
The RC was also not fun, mainly the movie and Big Bang stuff...
But the second LR section was so easy (???) I thought it was experimental until I hit my last section and found it was the good old Mining game.
All in all, not too bad
Ah goddamn it, I just remembered I screwed myself.
I drank a whole can of Red Bull right before the test thinking it could really jolt me up for the test. I needed it because I was half asleep from driving an hour to get to the test center.
I used the restroom right before, but midway through the 2nd section, logic games, I just had to go. Knowing I still had the 3rd section before the break, I went to the restroom. Wasted precious time, at least 2 minutes. Definitely cost me a point or two by going to the restroom.
Or course, I find out after the test, the 3rd section for my test, the LR with 26 questions, was experimental. I really wish I had waited until the 3rd section to take the piss, but obviously I didn't know that was experimental during the test.
Now I'm just kicking myself for drinking that diuretic right before the test. F me and my judgment.
I'm trying to spin it positively, telling myself the caffeine probably made me more alert during the rest of the test, helping me. Still I'm kicking myself.
Word on the street is that the curve is probably going to be -11, so that is encouraging. It looks like the mining game messed just about everyone up. Personally, it started to click for me eventually once I locked in the last couple spots, but I’m not sure if I took enough time to completely understand the questions. Otherwise, I thought the rest was a pretty typical test.
@parkervukich said:
Haha yeah - thanks a lot. I always read those comments like prepare for the worst, but I didn’t think I needed to practice taking the test with one eye closed. Just a suggestion for all you out there who wear contacts, try a section with only your non-dominate eye!
lolololol didn't get to bed until 430 am annnnndddd only gets to use one eye. i wore conacts during the test. but i honestly think if i were in your shoes, i would just be like fuck it and quit. or just keep both eyes open (more comfortable than keeping one closed) and read in a blur. so kudos to you for holding it down during the sections.
@sc1293 said:
Do you guys remember whether the LR section with question about a girl sending her application to be considered for an award, and mailing her application within 10 days was an experimental or the actual??
It was real, I had 2 LRs and seen this question.
I remember this one because I thought that amazon prime and the express option was totally going to screw people up
Thanks!! Also wondering if you recall a question about a study done with two groups, one group given a self-help medical book and the other without!!
Ok, So some people had 2 LG sections (one being experimental) and some, like myself got 3 logical reasoning. I think I am silly for not knowing that experimental sections are not same for everyone. lol
@parkervukich said:
Haha yeah - thanks a lot. I always read those comments like prepare for the worst, but I didn’t think I needed to practice taking the test with one eye closed. Just a suggestion for all you out there who wear contacts, try a section with only your non-dominate eye!
lolololol didn't get to bed until 430 am annnnndddd only gets to use one eye. i wore conacts during the test. but i honestly think if i were in your shoes, i would just be like fuck it and quit. or just keep both eyes open (more comfortable than keeping one closed) and read in a blur. so kudos to you for holding it down during the sections.
I had LR, LR, LG before the break and the second LR was what I think is the experimental and I was actually so close to getting up and leaving. Then I did the games and felt I got through it well then feel like the second half was better than the first. But definitely a brutal experience. Just trying to minimize the stress of thinking about how to proceed studying. I never did the CC I just worked through The Trainer, so I think I will go with a full 7Sage course, take my time, and go for 170+ for next September.
@astrowise Thanks, Bud! Yeah, I didn't even think about it until I read some other people's comments and I was shocked no one was talking about telescopes--then someone pointed out that the topic was "the observatory," so I thought I may have made a fool of myself.
And, yes, if the university had an "astrology" department, it would have had much bigger problems than deciding on observatories. Kudos on the phD in astronomy. I'm fairly sure that puts you squarely on my Team Radio Telescope! (I studied physics, so I probably got a little more technical about the limitations of visible light at vast distances than most others... I was stoked to get the topic!)
@Haglerfran said:
It's Monday morning post-LSAT and I am lost with what to do with my time since I am not studying. Anyone feeling the same weird way? Lol
Gosh yes! I feel so unproductive. I've been binge watching some TV shows when I know I should be working on apps smh.
Yes apps...part 2 of the process...i told myself i would take this week off, celebrate Thanksgiving with my family bc my nose has been in the books for months and come Monday I'll get right back on it.... any shows to recommend?
@tina_gk said:
And Why don't I remember the mining question from LG??? was it the one from test takers who got experimental LG?
Unfortunately, it was not in the experimental section (I had 2 LG sections). And if you truly don't remember it, you must've been "in the zone" for real. Ironically, I thought I did pretty well on the experimental LG section. I was hoping it was the graded one, but no such luck. The experimental LG section had one game that was pretty difficult, though. Something about dudes that work at a lawn and garden company, some indoors and some outdoors. That one was really difficult and took a long time, but the mining game was just worded so strangely I couldn't even set up the game board. I'm certain I got the first question correct (acceptable scenario), after that I spent the rest of the time on the second question, then just marked all "C's" at the one minute mark.
@"7Sage Fan" said:
Hi, I'm just wondering, how do people know if a section was real or not? Have the sections been released yet by LSAC?
If someone had 2LGs, then they know that their 2LRs and 1RC were real. someone with 3LRs, 1LG and 1RC would know their LG and RC was real. So people are able to figure out which sections are experimental by talking with other people, who had a different experimental than them
Thank you very much for clearing that up! I should have taken a bit more time to figure that out from the other comments!
@supramoon99 said:
Does anyone remember the question types for the two logic games? Bombed one of them and hoping it's the experimental but not sure...
I think on the first LG section there was a question about doctors, nurses and social workers, while on the second LG section, there was a question about mining, which everyone is talking about. It seems the second section with the mining question was the real one.
Need hope and a miracle. Took the LSAT for the third time. I did lot of prep and I am actually good at logic games and logical reasoning sections at least while taking Prep Tests at home but during the real thing... ohh boy, it's like I forget what I know.
Anyways, I took the November test and I tried and did my best and now I am just hoping for a miracle. I did not get to finish three out of the four graded sections and picked D in the remaining answer choices options. I do not want to take this test again. I am hoping I got 150 and I will be happy. I am that desperate...! Hope my 3.6 GPA will save my ass as well. I just can not go through this process again. It is so draining.
I am so scared that I did not score above 145 though Give me some hope
@parkervukich said:
Haha yeah - thanks a lot. I always read those comments like prepare for the worst, but I didn’t think I needed to practice taking the test with one eye closed. Just a suggestion for all you out there who wear contacts, try a section with only your non-dominate eye!
@parkervukich said:
Haha yeah - thanks a lot. I always read those comments like prepare for the worst, but I didn’t think I needed to practice taking the test with one eye closed. Just a suggestion for all you out there who wear contacts, try a section with only your non-dominate eye!
@parkervukich said:
Haha yeah - thanks a lot. I always read those comments like prepare for the worst, but I didn’t think I needed to practice taking the test with one eye closed. Just a suggestion for all you out there who wear contacts, try a section with only your non-dominate eye!
I’ve taken the test 3 times and have always packed an extra set of contacts. A quick run to the bathroom is better than testing with eyes that bug or with an eye that can’t see.
@Haglerfran said:
It's Monday morning post-LSAT and I am lost with what to do with my time since I am not studying. Anyone feeling the same weird way? Lol
Gosh yes! I feel so unproductive. I've been binge watching some TV shows when I know I should be working on apps smh.
Yes apps...part 2 of the process...i told myself i would take this week off, celebrate Thanksgiving with my family bc my nose has been in the books for months and come Monday I'll get right back on it.... any shows to recommend?
@astrowise said: @Supernovice - definitely ok to talk about telescopes instead of observatories. I used them interchangeably throughout my essay. (I am in my 6th year of an Astronomy PhD program.) Also definitely good that you did not write astrology, very common mistake but very different things!
@"7Sage Fan" said:
Hi, I'm just wondering, how do people know if a section was real or not? Have the sections been released yet by LSAC?
If someone had 2LGs, then they know that their 2LRs and 1RC were real. someone with 3LRs, 1LG and 1RC would know their LG and RC was real. So people are able to figure out which sections are experimental by talking with other people, who had a different experimental than them
Thank you very much for clearing that up! I should have taken a bit more time to figure that out from the other comments!
Rather fitting that you can determine the "experimental" section by solving your own little logic game.
Question about when the scores will be released. I read somewhere (maybe here?) that LSAC promised to get the scores out sooner starting with the Nov test. Online, they have the estimated release date set for Dec. 8th, which is right in line with the old standard. So, what I'm wondering is this: does anyone know (1) whether they did say they would try to release scores earlier and (2) if so, what exactly does "earlier" amount to?
@mattbraich said:
Question about when the scores will be released. I read somewhere (maybe here?) that LSAC promised to get the scores out sooner starting with the Nov test. Online, they have the estimated release date set for Dec. 8th, which is right in line with the old standard. So, what I'm wondering is this: does anyone know (1) whether they did say that they would try to release scores earlier and (2) if so, what exactly "earlier" amounts to?
LSAC's president posted this contradictory statement on the website:
"I know that waiting on your scores is difficult, and I am writing to assure you that we are making changes to permit quicker score releases, while also maintaining our commitment to accuracy and fairness.
In the meanwhile, for the rest of 2018 we will set the release dates on the scores on an aggressive timeline to minimize your wait time, and stick to that schedule to minimize any anxiety about those release dates."
So they are making changes to minimize the wait, putting it on an aggressive timeline and then "sticking to the schedule." Whateverthehell that's suppose to mean. I suppose by that, they could be saying that they are trying not to go beyond the schedule, but hedging their bets in the case they can't release the scores before the scheduled date... Who knows?
In other news, at the gym this morning, I had a moment of clarity and an epiphany that solved the "rabid bats" question and I got it wrong on the test. My hope is that with the release of the scores, I will no longer obsess over these things.
Ahhh, yeah, I think that's what I read, which, like you point out, is bizarre, since the target date of Dec 8th is hardly "aggressive," even by their own practices. Oh well...
@sc1293 said:
Do you guys remember whether the LR section with question about a girl sending her application to be considered for an award, and mailing her application within 10 days was an experimental or the actual??
It was real, I had 2 LRs and seen this question.
I remember this one because I thought that amazon prime and the express option was totally going to screw people up
Thanks!! Also wondering if you recall a question about a study done with two groups, one group given a self-help medical book and the other without!!
Yes I think it was 2 families, one with a medical help book and one without.
I too did a double take with the mining LG reference once everyone started talking about it... did I miss something?! Then it hit me - you probably don't remember it because once you lay out the game pieces, the mining aspect basically disappears. It was more to do with months of the year than the underlying mining theme - hope that rings a bell for you - obviously can't talk the game-type and other specifics.
The first LG nearly killed my self-confidence! SO THANKFUL for the LG section with the mining game. @"lady macbeth" I also had to save that game for last but glad it worked out for us in the end
I hope that everyone who took the November 2018 LSAT will be blessed by the universe! We have all worked so hard and deserve to splurge in self-compassion this Thanksgiving week.
@Anastasia you are doing amazing! i don’t think i did that well either. But i just remind myself there’s nothing more i can do about It now. I just have to wait till the 8th!!
I too did a double take with the mining LG reference once everyone started talking about it... did I miss something?! Then it hit me - you probably don't remember it because once you lay out the game pieces, the mining aspect basically disappears. It was more to do with months of the year than the underlying mining theme - hope that rings a bell for you - obviously can't talk the game-type and other specifics.
Lol yes, now I remember and thats exactly what happened. Mining got replaced with months. I think it was something to do with 2 locations and a head-office.
Did anyone else get stuck on the LR question about the self help book given to families for medical purposes? I was stuck on that and the athlete performance-enhancing drugs one. Wondering if I missed something basic on these or if they were generally hard
For whatever reason, I didn’t struggle as much with the car alarm/theft one
@neginshahiar said:
Did anyone else get stuck on the LR question about the self help book given to families for medical purposes? I was stuck on that and the athlete performance-enhancing drugs one. Wondering if I missed something basic on these or if they were generally hard
For whatever reason, I didn’t struggle as much with the car alarm/theft one
I remember the self help one having no attractive answer choices but from what I remember it was easy to eliminate the incorrect choices. The PED one was similar.
@neginshahiar said:
Did anyone else get stuck on the LR question about the self help book given to families for medical purposes? I was stuck on that and the athlete performance-enhancing drugs one. Wondering if I missed something basic on these or if they were generally hard
For whatever reason, I didn’t struggle as much with the car alarm/theft one
Same here as what @"Pride Only Hurts" said, I agree that the self help medical question had a crappy answer, but you could definitely rule out the other options.
I can see why the car theft one gave people a lot of problems. It, like the bat question, had a sub-conclusion you needed to draw using subtle language. It took me a while to figure it out, but the only other answer that could not be eliminated outright was definitely wrong.
Everyone notice that a lot of people got stuck on the RC question about cinema/musicals? I thought it was pretty easy... On other forums people are saying that the LR sections were "easy" because of the difficult LG section, but with the exception of the mining game (which apparently some people breezed right through), the other games were pretty easy.
Oh well... It's over now. We'll find in a few weeks. lol.
Does anyone know which test will be administered as a make up test for those test centers that were closed? An undisclosed February test or the same November test?
@Supernovice said:
For whatever reason, I was completely unable to understand the mining logic game. As time was expiring, I just "Charlied out" 3 of the questions. Didn't help that after I skipped it and moved on, on the next game I failed to set up my days of the week properly at first--I started my week with Monday... That was an easy fix after I realized what I'd done...
In LR the stupid oyster question was absurd--can't even remember what I guessed for that one. The password question sucked, but I think I got it. The car theft question took a while, but I finally figured it out, too. The "bats" question gave me a hard time.
Everything else I thought was pretty straightforward.
I can't really remember exactly how the writing part was worded, but I wrote the whole thing about building "telescopes" and not about "observatories." Is that a major F-up or was that implied? Did anyone else do this? Hope no one reads that thing. LOL! At least I realized that I initially referred to the "astrOLOGY" department instead of the "astronomy" department and fixed that.
I am 100% with you on that one! The mining Q was my last section, and the last game as I had skipped it. I couldn't even understand what the implications of the restrictions were, nor could I understand the wording of it. It was HORRIBLE, I ended up guessing after trying fruitlessly to figure it out
@RiseandGrind said:
Does anyone know which test will be administered as a make up test for those test centers that were closed? An undisclosed February test or the same November test?
There’s a thread around here that says it will be the same test
@RiseandGrind said:
Does anyone know which test will be administered as a make up test for those test centers that were closed? An undisclosed February test or the same November test?
There’s a thread around here that says it will be the same test
You would think any make up tests would be undisclosed. The Sabbath test on Monday was a different version from the Nov 17 test.
I am now second guessing myself on the substitute equivalence question. I felt as if the substitute equivalence question was standard & not too difficult. I chose an answer that was pretty much an inference the game contained. I’ve seeing plenty of posts where people are saying it was difficult. I’m hoping I didn’t miss something. Anyone’s input would be great.
@Mr_mitchell95 said:
I am now second guessing myself on the substitute equivalence question. I felt as if the substitute equivalence question was standard & not too difficult. I chose an answer that was pretty much an inference the game contained. I’ve seeing plenty of posts where people are saying it was difficult. I’m hoping I didn’t miss something. Anyone’s input would be great.
I have usually not found sub/equiv. questions to be difficult. Usually, it is an inference contained in the game.
But I've been wrong before. I feel a little more confident, though, because I feel like those q's are sold as being more difficult than they actually are.
@LivingThatLSATdream unlike supernovice I went with the visible-light spectrum (optical) telescope. Radio data is a lot harder to process and analyze and the optical data would be way easier to implement into a class. It being the LSAT though you could argue either way though, so who am I to say
@astrowise said: @LivingThatLSATdream unlike supernovice I went with the visible-light spectrum (optical) telescope. Radio data is a lot harder to process and analyze and the optical data would be way easier to implement into a class. It being the LSAT though you could argue either way though, so who am I to say
How dare you, Sir!
Well, in that case, I hope my very compelling argument of, "If you want an optical telescope, you can buy one at Wal Mart, for f***'s sake" doesn't fall on deaf ears when read by academics. LOL! #Nailedit
@RiseandGrind said:
Does anyone know which test will be administered as a make up test for those test centers that were closed? An undisclosed February test or the same November test?
There’s a thread around here that says it will be the same test
You would think any make up tests would be undisclosed. The Sabbath test on Monday was a different version from the Nov 17 test.
Yeah, I’d expect the same but apparently even the accommodation exam is the same exam.
Edit: apparently another poster stated the make up would be undisclosed.
Is it December yet? This waiting game is killing me. I have no idea what I scored. I did not finish three sections fully and had to guess so I am freaking out. It is impossible to figure out around where your score will be. End up picking "D" and moving on.
I literally feel like time isn't moving lol. Whereas before it was never enough time in the day.
Hey that is a good idea. I was going to start my apps right away today, but man, I am so freaking burned out from months of nonstop studying. I've just been lounging around.
I think I will take this week off too, and start those apps Monday after Thanksgiving.
Besides, it's completely useless to submit my apps before my LSAT score from Saturday gets released.
Try Haunting of the Hill House on Netflix. Fair warning though, it's pretty sad. More sad than scary, haha.
Thanks!! Also wondering if you recall a question about a study done with two groups, one group given a self-help medical book and the other without!!
Absolutely. I feel like there is a void in my life where the LSAT used to be. But who knows, maybe I'll have to study again :S
Did anyone here take the undisclosed test today? Do the above rules apply?
For whatever reason, I was completely unable to understand the mining logic game. As time was expiring, I just "Charlied out" 3 of the questions. Didn't help that after I skipped it and moved on, on the next game I failed to set up my days of the week properly at first--I started my week with Monday... That was an easy fix after I realized what I'd done...
In LR the stupid oyster question was absurd--can't even remember what I guessed for that one. The password question sucked, but I think I got it. The car theft question took a while, but I finally figured it out, too. The "bats" question gave me a hard time.
Everything else I thought was pretty straightforward.
I can't really remember exactly how the writing part was worded, but I wrote the whole thing about building "telescopes" and not about "observatories." Is that a major F-up or was that implied? Did anyone else do this? Hope no one reads that thing. LOL! At least I realized that I initially referred to the "astrOLOGY" department instead of the "astronomy" department and fixed that.
@Supernovice - definitely ok to talk about telescopes instead of observatories. I used them interchangeably throughout my essay. (I am in my 6th year of an Astronomy PhD program.) Also definitely good that you did not write astrology, very common mistake but very different things!
I panicked bc I swear the first LG had a question with 2 answer choices. The whole experimental LG was not fun. Inside/Outside Flower Landscaping stuff I believe?
The RC was also not fun, mainly the movie and Big Bang stuff...
But the second LR section was so easy (???) I thought it was experimental until I hit my last section and found it was the good old Mining game.
All in all, not too bad
Ah goddamn it, I just remembered I screwed myself.
I drank a whole can of Red Bull right before the test thinking it could really jolt me up for the test. I needed it because I was half asleep from driving an hour to get to the test center.
I used the restroom right before, but midway through the 2nd section, logic games, I just had to go. Knowing I still had the 3rd section before the break, I went to the restroom. Wasted precious time, at least 2 minutes. Definitely cost me a point or two by going to the restroom.
Or course, I find out after the test, the 3rd section for my test, the LR with 26 questions, was experimental. I really wish I had waited until the 3rd section to take the piss, but obviously I didn't know that was experimental during the test.
Now I'm just kicking myself for drinking that diuretic right before the test. F me and my judgment.
I'm trying to spin it positively, telling myself the caffeine probably made me more alert during the rest of the test, helping me. Still I'm kicking myself.
Word on the street is that the curve is probably going to be -11, so that is encouraging. It looks like the mining game messed just about everyone up. Personally, it started to click for me eventually once I locked in the last couple spots, but I’m not sure if I took enough time to completely understand the questions. Otherwise, I thought the rest was a pretty typical test.
lolololol didn't get to bed until 430 am annnnndddd only gets to use one eye. i wore conacts during the test. but i honestly think if i were in your shoes, i would just be like fuck it and quit. or just keep both eyes open (more comfortable than keeping one closed) and read in a blur. so kudos to you for holding it down during the sections.
that sounds familiar
Ok, So some people had 2 LG sections (one being experimental) and some, like myself got 3 logical reasoning. I think I am silly for not knowing that experimental sections are not same for everyone. lol
And Why don't I remember the mining question from LG??? was it the one from test takers who got experimental LG?
I had LR, LR, LG before the break and the second LR was what I think is the experimental and I was actually so close to getting up and leaving. Then I did the games and felt I got through it well then feel like the second half was better than the first. But definitely a brutal experience. Just trying to minimize the stress of thinking about how to proceed studying. I never did the CC I just worked through The Trainer, so I think I will go with a full 7Sage course, take my time, and go for 170+ for next September.
@astrowise Thanks, Bud! Yeah, I didn't even think about it until I read some other people's comments and I was shocked no one was talking about telescopes--then someone pointed out that the topic was "the observatory," so I thought I may have made a fool of myself.
And, yes, if the university had an "astrology" department, it would have had much bigger problems than deciding on observatories. Kudos on the phD in astronomy. I'm fairly sure that puts you squarely on my Team Radio Telescope! (I studied physics, so I probably got a little more technical about the limitations of visible light at vast distances than most others... I was stoked to get the topic!)
Ozark on Netflix.
Unfortunately, it was not in the experimental section (I had 2 LG sections). And if you truly don't remember it, you must've been "in the zone" for real. Ironically, I thought I did pretty well on the experimental LG section. I was hoping it was the graded one, but no such luck. The experimental LG section had one game that was pretty difficult, though. Something about dudes that work at a lawn and garden company, some indoors and some outdoors. That one was really difficult and took a long time, but the mining game was just worded so strangely I couldn't even set up the game board. I'm certain I got the first question correct (acceptable scenario), after that I spent the rest of the time on the second question, then just marked all "C's" at the one minute mark.
If a section was experimental on Saturday, can the same section be experimental on the undisclosed test?
Thank you very much for clearing that up! I should have taken a bit more time to figure that out from the other comments!
I think on the first LG section there was a question about doctors, nurses and social workers, while on the second LG section, there was a question about mining, which everyone is talking about. It seems the second section with the mining question was the real one.
Need hope and a miracle. Took the LSAT for the third time. I did lot of prep and I am actually good at logic games and logical reasoning sections at least while taking Prep Tests at home but during the real thing... ohh boy, it's like I forget what I know.
Anyways, I took the November test and I tried and did my best and now I am just hoping for a miracle. I did not get to finish three out of the four graded sections and picked D in the remaining answer choices options. I do not want to take this test again. I am hoping I got 150 and I will be happy. I am that desperate...! Hope my 3.6 GPA will save my ass as well. I just can not go through this process again. It is so draining.
I am so scared that I did not score above 145 though
Give me some hope
I’ve taken the test 3 times and have always packed an extra set of contacts. A quick run to the bathroom is better than testing with eyes that bug or with an eye that can’t see.
Doctor Who new season! And Killing Eve #girlpower
I must know... did you choose optical or radio?!
Rather fitting that you can determine the "experimental" section by solving your own little logic game.
Question about when the scores will be released. I read somewhere (maybe here?) that LSAC promised to get the scores out sooner starting with the Nov test. Online, they have the estimated release date set for Dec. 8th, which is right in line with the old standard. So, what I'm wondering is this: does anyone know (1) whether they did say they would try to release scores earlier and (2) if so, what exactly does "earlier" amount to?
LSAC's president posted this contradictory statement on the website:
"I know that waiting on your scores is difficult, and I am writing to assure you that we are making changes to permit quicker score releases, while also maintaining our commitment to accuracy and fairness.
In the meanwhile, for the rest of 2018 we will set the release dates on the scores on an aggressive timeline to minimize your wait time, and stick to that schedule to minimize any anxiety about those release dates."
So they are making changes to minimize the wait, putting it on an aggressive timeline and then "sticking to the schedule." Whateverthehell that's suppose to mean. I suppose by that, they could be saying that they are trying not to go beyond the schedule, but hedging their bets in the case they can't release the scores before the scheduled date... Who knows?
In other news, at the gym this morning, I had a moment of clarity and an epiphany that solved the "rabid bats" question and I got it wrong on the test. My hope is that with the release of the scores, I will no longer obsess over these things.
Ahhh, yeah, I think that's what I read, which, like you point out, is bizarre, since the target date of Dec 8th is hardly "aggressive," even by their own practices. Oh well...
Yes I think it was 2 families, one with a medical help book and one without.
I too did a double take with the mining LG reference once everyone started talking about it... did I miss something?! Then it hit me - you probably don't remember it because once you lay out the game pieces, the mining aspect basically disappears. It was more to do with months of the year than the underlying mining theme - hope that rings a bell for you - obviously can't talk the game-type and other specifics.
The first LG nearly killed my self-confidence! SO THANKFUL for the LG section with the mining game. @"lady macbeth" I also had to save that game for last but glad it worked out for us in the end
I hope that everyone who took the November 2018 LSAT will be blessed by the universe! We have all worked so hard and deserve to splurge in self-compassion this Thanksgiving week.
Wherever you are, Good Luck on your Journey to JD
With gratitude,
@Anastasia you are doing amazing!
i don’t think i did that well either. But i just remind myself there’s nothing more i can do about It now. I just have to wait till the 8th!!
Lol yes, now I remember and thats exactly what happened. Mining got replaced with months. I think it was something to do with 2 locations and a head-office.
Did anyone else get stuck on the LR question about the self help book given to families for medical purposes? I was stuck on that and the athlete performance-enhancing drugs one. Wondering if I missed something basic on these or if they were generally hard
For whatever reason, I didn’t struggle as much with the car alarm/theft one
I remember the self help one having no attractive answer choices but from what I remember it was easy to eliminate the incorrect choices. The PED one was similar.
Same here as what @"Pride Only Hurts" said, I agree that the self help medical question had a crappy answer, but you could definitely rule out the other options.
I can see why the car theft one gave people a lot of problems. It, like the bat question, had a sub-conclusion you needed to draw using subtle language. It took me a while to figure it out, but the only other answer that could not be eliminated outright was definitely wrong.
Everyone notice that a lot of people got stuck on the RC question about cinema/musicals? I thought it was pretty easy... On other forums people are saying that the LR sections were "easy" because of the difficult LG section, but with the exception of the mining game (which apparently some people breezed right through), the other games were pretty easy.
Oh well... It's over now. We'll find in a few weeks. lol.
Does anyone know which test will be administered as a make up test for those test centers that were closed? An undisclosed February test or the same November test?
I am 100% with you on that one! The mining Q was my last section, and the last game as I had skipped it. I couldn't even understand what the implications of the restrictions were, nor could I understand the wording of it. It was HORRIBLE, I ended up guessing after trying fruitlessly to figure it out
@"Llama Whisperer"
There’s a thread around here that says it will be the same test
You would think any make up tests would be undisclosed. The Sabbath test on Monday was a different version from the Nov 17 test.
Did anyone else have the LR, LR, RC, LR, LG test? I felt like that third LR section was the experimental. There were completely new prompt language.
I am now second guessing myself on the substitute equivalence question. I felt as if the substitute equivalence question was standard & not too difficult. I chose an answer that was pretty much an inference the game contained. I’ve seeing plenty of posts where people are saying it was difficult. I’m hoping I didn’t miss something. Anyone’s input would be great.
I have usually not found sub/equiv. questions to be difficult. Usually, it is an inference contained in the game.
But I've been wrong before. I feel a little more confident, though, because I feel like those q's are sold as being more difficult than they actually are.
@LivingThatLSATdream unlike supernovice I went with the visible-light spectrum (optical) telescope. Radio data is a lot harder to process and analyze and the optical data would be way easier to implement into a class. It being the LSAT though you could argue either way though, so who am I to say
How dare you, Sir!
Well, in that case, I hope my very compelling argument of, "If you want an optical telescope, you can buy one at Wal Mart, for f***'s sake" doesn't fall on deaf ears when read by academics. LOL! #Nailedit
Yeah, I’d expect the same but apparently even the accommodation exam is the same exam.
Edit: apparently another poster stated the make up would be undisclosed.
Is it December yet? This waiting game is killing me. I have no idea what I scored. I did not finish three sections fully and had to guess so I am freaking out. It is impossible to figure out around where your score will be. End up picking "D" and moving on.