Okay, this may sound random. In group one it goes
Ex: "All Jedi use the force"
J -> F
/F -> /J
Group 2 goes:
Ex: "Only the good die young"
D -> G
/G -> /D
Why in group two does it go right to left on top versus left to right like group one?
Did i miss something in the videos?
Basically All indicates sufficient
Only constitutes necessary.
THE ONLY constitutes sufficient.
All red objects are trucks
RO ---> T
/T ----> \RO
Only the good die young
DY ----> G
\G ----> /DY
The only fun game is logic game
FG ----> LG
/LG ----> /FG
I would highly recommend you review your sufficient and necessary language indicators.
I am worried when you say "I understand which words indicate sufficent and necessary" but your question wouldn't be posted if you really did. As I have mentioned in the first post, I would highly recommend reviewing your sufficient and necessary language.
Ex: "Only the good die young"
Only the good = necessary
Die young = sufficient
*don't forget that they can place either condition in the beginning or at the end.
I am definitely no pro at lsat, I am sorry if I had offended anyone. But lets not get butt hurt over nothing lol perhaps my recommendation seemed rude but there is no way to sugar code that.
[user was banned for this comment.]
@JustinaJ yeah are you sure you aren't confusing "only" and "the only"? I tend to do that a bit here and there and it is killer until I notice what happened. Idk if I fully understand the confusion. Is it that you just don't understand why the indicators do as they do? like why "only" is necessary and why "the only" is sufficient?
I would just slowly dissect everything and see if it makes sense wording wise. if you have "the only" if something is the only of something else (the only clean water is in bottles) then we know if it is clean water it must be in a bottle because the only water that is clean is in bottles but if it is just "only" things change (Only bottles have clean water) notice how it is in a different order but says the same thing! because if it is clean water is has to be in a bottle since bottles are the only things that have clean water.
When you break down the condition in English and really look at it you can see why the indicator does what it does
Sorry if I misinterpreted your confusion