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Is this program worth it?

I need to improve around 10-15 points for what my goal score is.. I know this is a lot however I have had no previous tutoring and also know it would take time for this score to gradually come up. However, is this the program I should be using to improve my score? I am planning on buy the 3 month package.


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    I absolutely love 7sage, and I think that most people on here will recommend it. I went from a 157 diagnostic to a real score of 172. I started with the powerscore bibles and then found 7sage. I think that three months is a very short amount of time to make that much progress no matter what program you use, but it also depends on where you're starting. If you're starting in the 140s, a ten point just is going to be a lot easier than if you start in the 160s.

  • lsat_kp20lsat_kp20 Alum Member
    edited December 2018 148 karma

    All the packages have the same curriculum videos, but the # of problem sets and PT explanations increases as the package value increases. I would suggest going for Ultimate or Ultimate Plus because they include the more difficult problem sets. I personally felt like I was able to learn more from the difficult ones than easy ones. I would consider that when picking a package. Also, you can get most of the PT explanations with Ultimate package OR everything that 7 sage has to offer with Ultimate Plus.

    To answer your question... yes it is worth it. I love this program as well. I started with Powerscore bibles, then I started this program. The videos, problem sets, and BR sessions are extremely helpful. The 7sage community is very helpful and supportive. Good luck :) Hope this was helpful!

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