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To renew or not?

LSAThater-liteLSAThater-lite Alum Member
in General 31 karma

Hi everyone!

I would love some advice on whether or not to extend my 7sage subscription. My diagnostic score was 163. This wasn't a "cold" diagnostic as I'd read the PS logic bible front to back before doing a practice test. Two weeks after my first practice test I took my third practice test administered by my local law school under proctored conditions and I again scored a 163.

My plan was to really study and crush the lsat. I graduated college 4 years ago and my ugpa is a paltry 2.7. I'm a good test taker and I thought that my lsat, coupled with my work experience, could somewhat make up for my gpa. I've only made it through 35 hours of the CC. I love the 7sage method of teaching but the fact that I can't even make it through the CC is making me rethink my entire plan. Before coming over to 7sage, I tried Kaplan for a month. My score didn't improve at all and I continued to score 162-163.

I've worked in law firms. I've written motions and briefs. I have plenty of experience conducting intakes. I Like legal work but this whole process is discouraging.

Can you all tell me how you got through the CC? Did you jump around topics? I'm going through the syllabus in sequential order. Did you work at coffee shops? library? home?

I know what's best for me is highly dependent on my own life circumstances but I would really like some advice from others looking to make the law school plunge.

Thank you!


  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Hey there, first of all that's a great diagnostic [even with bibles]. Second of all, the CC is meant to be absorbed at a slow rate. The common census around forums is 3 months to go through core curriculum, but it's perfectly alright to take more time than that. It's not about how fast you go through it but how you interact with the information. The CC has a lot of information and since you seem to have good intuition, it's possible for you to get a high score if you put in the right type of work.

    Depending on what score you are going for, I'd recommend thinking long-term and being prepared for it taking a while before you are ready to give an official test.

  • JPJ July2021JPJ July2021 Core Member
    edited January 2019 1532 karma

    If you don't want to go to law school that's totally ok but if the reason you're questioning it is because of the LSAT then please do not give up. The LSAT is a beast of a test. I myself still have a lot of trouble with it but it's also very learnable and if you stick with it you'll get where you want to be. This process is frustrating and awful at times but it's not forever. When I went through the CC, I did go in order and I mostly studied at home. The lessons all build on each other so I wouldn't skip around too much. Feel free to message me anytime.

  • LSAT_WreckerLSAT_Wrecker Member
    4850 karma

    Good advice above. When I was studying for the LSAT, I found that I got easily distracted when I tried to study at home, so I would study at my local library. It was just quiet enough and put me in the "study" state of mind. I definitely went through the CC sequentially. Like @Emily2122 said, the lessons build on each other.

    As I am committed to attending law school, the commitment to studying was not difficult for me. Its a required first step in the process and, therefore, must be endured. Similar to a marathoner or triathlete who lays down years of training sessions to achieve their goals, studying for the LSAT takes significant, sustained time and effort for the majority of people. Maybe if you share what you find discouraging, people can offer more helpful thoughts or advice.

    Good luck!

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    I really depends on your goals. With your GPA though, you really need a killer LSAT score to balance it out.

    Personally, I'd highly recommend extending, and/or upgrading to a bigger package, if you can afford it. If you're still on the cc, you haven't had a chance yet to make full use of all that 7sage has to offer. The grader and analytics are practically worth the cost of the course alone, in my book. They are so dang helpful once you finish the CC and are doing PTs.

    The CC is laid out in a way that it works best to just follow it chronologically, top to bottom. Some people do it faster, some people do it slower, but as mentioned above I think the average is around 3 months for it. This test is a beast and everyone struggles at first. I really believe that you will see a lot of improvement if you allow enough time. I started with a 155 cold diagnostic and got a 168 in 9 months, thanks almost entirely to 7sage.

    I started with the PS bibles and 7sage is a thousand times better, IMO. (I've only heard crappy things about Kaplan, so your story of spinning your wheels with them is super common.) I read the entire LG bible at the beginning of my studying too and was only scoring around a 158ish after that, so your 163 is already ahead of where I was. And as mentioned, I ended up with a 168 (with a couple of PTs in the low 170s). So, the sky is the limit if you give yourself enough time to do it.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    Honestly? Every time a new LSAT test is published, they seem to have a sale on it. I have snatched up the last three for future use, and every time you buy one, you get a month extension on your account. 5.97 for an extra month and a fresh test? Good deal. But only for members.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    I'm curious to know.. what's keeping you from getting through the CC? Time? Interest? It's in the order it's in for a reason. I know it seems odd, but when you look back on it, it makes more sense. I started going through the CC again, but school had me slammed. I'm delaying a cycle because my LSAT is suffering at the expense of school. But that will be done next semester. In the meantime, I fit in a little study, work on application materials, and get what I can done without intense pressure of competing with my other studies. Are you still in school too? Are you taking overloaded semesters? Working? It's a lot to juggle.
    163 is quite good. If I had a 163, I'd probably be done now. What are you shooting for?

  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    I'm surprised that someone with extensive work experience is struggling with the monotony of the CC so much (at least this is what I gathered from your post). Usually the k-jd's struggle in their 1L year because they have such a hard time sitting down and staying focused long enough to get everything out of their reading/homework.

    Are you having a hard time finishing because you can't bear to go through the whole CC because you're getting bored - or - is it because you can't find the time between work and other responsibilities and you're having a hard time visualizing a plan moving forward for this test?

  • LSAThater-liteLSAThater-lite Alum Member
    31 karma

    Thank you all for the good advice!

    I’m shooting for something higher than a 163 because my 2.7 ugpa is so low. Even my actual 3.0 college transcript gpa is well below the 25th for every school so no use crying over spilled milk at this point. All I can really do is take advantage of the opportunity to study for the lsat.
    If I’m being honest I think the following is why I’m having such a hard time buckling down…

    I know that my top school has accepted almost everyone with my stats, but I don’t want to ever look back and regret not trying. My top school is the only law school in my state and they weirdly don’t seem to take lsat scores into account when awarding scholarships. They seem to make their scholarship awards based on PS and resume. Tuition is only 16k a year so 48k for three years of tuition and a 90% bar passage rate seem like a steal compared to other schools. I keep having to convince myself that even with my gpa other schools are still going to consider giving me money if I kill the lsat. I’m the first person in my family to attend/graduate college so student loan debt terrifies me.

    PS I bought the PT that was on sale and extended until Feb. I had no idea that was an option. Thank you, @AudaciousRed ! If I make significant progress on the CC, I’m going to consider upgrading for the grader and analytics like @"Leah M B" suggested. You all are so supportive and great.

    PPS I have another question about the CC that probably has an obvious answer. I'm in the LG section. Did you all work out a game board and do the Qs before watching the accompanying videos? Or did you do game board, check the video, then proceed with the Qs?

  • LSAT_WreckerLSAT_Wrecker Member
    edited January 2019 4850 karma

    @reversesplitter_lsat Given your last post and stated goals, here is some motivation for you. Even though you have a target school (and I am by no means trying to dissuade you from that school, just offering a few data points). With a 2.73 LSAC GPA and a 163 LSAT, I am currently sitting on acceptances from 3 T1 schools and 4 T2 schools. $$$ has varied, but I have full rides to a T1 and a T2 in hand prior to negotiation season. If you can meet your goals, you should definitely have options when you apply. Bottom line - Do whatever you need to do in order to get that LSAT score up where you want it.

    For your PSS, I always tried to complete the LG (board + questions) during the CC before watching the video. It worked well for me. Not saying its the only way, but it is the way I did it.

    Good luck! You can definitely do this.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    Do the game board and questions, then the video. See what you did right, and where you may have gone wrong.

  • LSAThater-liteLSAThater-lite Alum Member
    31 karma

    @LSAT_Wrecker Wow, thanks for the additional encouragement! That really was helpful, even though I know that you have some very strong and unique softs. I'm going to keep chugging along! Congratulations on those acceptances and $$$!

  • LSAThater-liteLSAThater-lite Alum Member
    31 karma

    @AudaciousRed Thanks! I'm going to start doing that plus using the notes feature to keep track of each time I do a game + time + score + which questions I found difficult

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