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Back in Study Mode

Amrina96kAmrina96k Alum Member
in General 144 karma

So after receiving my disappointing Lsat score for January, I've decided to rewrite again in June. I'm a Canadian applicant so I will be applying again for the next cycle. I've written the LSAT three times already, so I want the next attempt to be my absolute last one. My highest Lsat score is a 151, and my goal is anything 156+. Is that approachable?

My section breakdown is -5/6 on LG, -9 to -11 on LR, and approx. -14 on RC.

I'm not sure how to resume my studying approach at this point. I've been studying on and off for a year now, i have all the Powerscore books and the Lsat trainer. I had the beginners subscription for 7Sage, but that ended recently. I would really like to work on perfecting LG and LR sections.
Should i reread any of the books or purchace 7sage again?
Any study tips/plan for the next 3 months will help!


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    I'm in a similar position- finally accepting the fact that I'm going to retake lol. I think that a five point increase is definitely doable. If your average score is in the 150s, I'd say that your fundamentals could still be improved with the CC. With LG you don't need to repurchase since all of the videos are free (yay 7sage!). How many PTs have you taken so far?

  • Amrina96kAmrina96k Alum Member
    144 karma

    @MissChanandler said:
    I'm in a similar position- finally accepting the fact that I'm going to retake lol. I think that a five point increase is definitely doable. If your average score is in the 150s, I'd say that your fundamentals could still be improved with the CC. With LG you don't need to repurchase since all of the videos are free (yay 7sage!). How many PTs have you taken so far?

    Great to know I'm not alone! I believe I my best option is to improve on LG and LR. So i'm not sure if I should repurchase 7Sage to go through the CC?
    What would be the best way to improve on both sections? Should I re-read any of the powerscore books or the lsat trainer?
    I'm just not sure how to start my studying approach from here.

  • mjmonte17mjmonte17 Alum Member
    757 karma

    RC is a huge weakness for myself as well. One tip that I use which may help you achieve a better score is to only attempt 3 of the RC passages on the test. If you choose to focus on only 3 passages you can spend more time on each one and "prove out" answer choices / spend more time up front on understanding if you need to. Although I would love a super high score (170+) I'm perfectly fine with a 162-164. The catch is that you need to get nearly every question right on the 3 RC passages you choose to attempt. For the final passage I usually bubble D or whatever answers choice was picked least on the answer sheet, usually I pick up 1 extra question on the passage I didn't read.

    This certainly isn't the end all be all for everyone, but it has helped me relax during RC and not worry about the clock.

  • Amrina96kAmrina96k Alum Member
    144 karma

    @MissChanandler said:
    I'm in a similar position- finally accepting the fact that I'm going to retake lol. I think that a five point increase is definitely doable. If your average score is in the 150s, I'd say that your fundamentals could still be improved with the CC. With LG you don't need to repurchase since all of the videos are free (yay 7sage!). How many PTs have you taken so far?

    In addition to my previous comment, I've taken about 13 PTS.

  • Amrina96kAmrina96k Alum Member
    144 karma

    @mjmonte17 said:
    RC is a huge weakness for myself as well. One tip that I use which may help you achieve a better score is to only attempt 3 of the RC passages on the test. If you choose to focus on only 3 passages you can spend more time on each one and "prove out" answer choices / spend more time up front on understanding if you need to. Although I would love a super high score (170+) I'm perfectly fine with a 162-164. The catch is that you need to get nearly every question right on the 3 RC passages you choose to attempt. For the final passage I usually bubble D or whatever answers choice was picked least on the answer sheet, usually I pick up 1 extra question on the passage I didn't read.

    This certainly isn't the end all be all for everyone, but it has helped me relax during RC and not worry about the clock.

    Thank you so much for all that! Yes i always focus on only 3 passages, but I always get some wrong even in the passages that I attempt. Do you usually underline or mark the passages? There's a lot of different approaches online so I'm not sure which one is best in terms of RC.

    However, i feel like I have a better chance at improving my LR and LG. Do you have any study tips for those sections?

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Using the analytics, I would recommend figuring out which question types are giving you the most trouble and then drill those and really figure out why they give you trouble

  • mjmonte17mjmonte17 Alum Member
    757 karma

    @Amrina96k Yes, I mark the RC passages by subjects and actions taken, this helps me engage with the passage and identify specific parts of the structure quickly if I need to return to the passage.

    As for LR and LG I don't have anything special to say. I go back and forth on a good strategy for LR and I still struggle to finish the 4th game on LG. I usually focus on 3 games for 100% accuracy and do what I can with the rest of the time on the final game.

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