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Should I wait?

duffekbduffekb Alum Member

Hi 7sage,
I am a senior undergrad at a small private school in the Midwest with a 3.82 gpa and a 171 LSAT. I applied to all the T-14 schools in the first week of December. So far I have been accepted by Georgetown and waitlisted by Duke and Michigan. Columbia and NYU have emailed me to say that my application is on hold which I imagine means I still have some chance of being accepted there. I haven't heard anything from the others. If I do not get any more acceptance letters, I am wondering if waiting a year and reapplying in September could give me better results. I am not an underrepresented minority, my personal statement is probably average and I could raise my gpa a couple points in my final semester. Should someone with my numbers expect multiple offers from the t14? I'm afraid of selling myself short.


  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Hey! I honestly think you have a great GPA and an amazing LSAT score. Just give it some time and believe in the best. I'm sure waiting sucks, but you honestly cannot do anything at this point. Just believe you did the best you could and go have fun for now!

    To be honest, if you truly are not satisfied the schools you get into afterwards...I would just work one year, write an AMAZZZIIIIIING personal statement (maybe use the 7sage admissions for that?), and just have a fun gap year. I hope you get into your top schools and be sure to give us an update. Goodluck!

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    Did you write the optional essays? December isn't early, but it's not super late. Getting WT from Michigan and Duke with those numbers makes me think the schools didn't think you were serious about attending.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Honestly it has been a weird year and a very slow cycle. I doubt that you won’t receive any other offers. Additionally, most people (including admissions experts like Mike Spivey) think there will be a lot of WL movement this year. Last year there was hardly any movement, and WL basically meant you are not getting in. The same is not true this year. Schools are seeming to be very conservative with their offers this year to balance out the bonanza of last year. For example, this year I applied about a month earlier to UCLA than I did last year. Last year I was accepted on March 9. And this year I still haven’t heard back. So applying a month earlier is ending up with getting decisions at the same time or later than I had last year. It’s just taking a while and moving at a snail’s pace.

    I don’t think having a slightly higher GPA and applying earlier will give you radically different results. But, there are still so many decisions up in the air that it’s much too early to decide that. I’ll bet you get multiple more acceptances and maybe even in off the WL at a school or two.

    Absolute worst case scenario, let’s you say you get WL or denied at every school that you haven’t heard from yet (not realistic, but just for the sake of a hypo). Your only acceptance is Georgetown. Then I would say - it depends on how much you might want to go to Georgetown. If you’re not happy with that offer, then yes. Find a job, write an awesome PS, and apply in September/October.

    I really think this is just a very unlikely outcome for you though. Things are just moving slow this year, you’re not out of the running yet.

  • eRetakereRetaker Free Trial Member
    2043 karma

    I agree with the others that you will likely get multiple offers (a bit surprised that you haven't already with those great numbers) either by the end of March or off the waitlist. However, I would recommend taking a year off to work, not only because your offers will be better but also because your merit aid will probably be higher. Right now, I don't think many of the T-14 has much money left to offer for those waiting to be admitted. If you reapply with work experience, you should expect much more favorable merit aid outcomes. Personal choice of course but something to consider in your situation.

  • hawaiihihawaiihi Free Trial Member
    973 karma

    It is indeed a slow cycle! My buddy re-applied in September-- sent his stuff in literally when the application opened-- and only last week did he get a Harvard interview request and a UPenn acceptance after weeks of radio silence. And he applied months before you did and heard nothing!

    And even if you don't hear more offers, well, 1) Georgetown is amazing, so congratulations and it's not selling yourself short if you go there! and 2) You can/should sent LOCIs to your waitlisted schools, and 3) You can always re-apply next year if you're not satisfied. Congrats!

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