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Looking for Arguments Timing Advice

LSATer2019LSATer2019 Alum Member

Hi Everyone,

I am facing significant challenges with timing on the arguments section. As of right now, It takes me nearly 20 minutes to get through the first 10 questions on each arguments section. On one section recently I got 10 right but had 8 blank and 7 incorrect.

I am increasing my understanding of question types from the core curriculum but it’s not translating into increased speed/accuracy/right answers when I take practice tests. Does anyone have any tips that actually worked for them and subsequently improved their timing? How did you increase your pace?

Thanks so much 7Sagers!


  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Hey! Have you finished the course curriculum yet? After the course, I did some timed LR sections from the 30s and 40s. I would try to increase my speed by doing confidence drills which is pretty much choosing the answer you believe to be correct like say 80% likely this is correct. That helped me see if I can trust my gut and in which instances, I cannot. You have to be using analytics, put in the scores, find your weak question types, and then drill those specific types. Keep practicing, watching videos, and it just clicks. You should also be BR-ing all of these timed sections to make sure that it's not just a material problem and truly just timing. Try to record yourself to see where the issues may be!

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