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⚖ Official March 2019 LSAT Discussion Thread ⚖

studentservicestudentservice Alum Member Administrator Moderator Student Services
in March 2019 LSAT 1421 karma

Hey 7Sagers,

Here's the official March 2019 LSAT Discussion Thread.

Please keep all discussions of the March 2019 LSAT here!


You can identify experimental sections. 🙆‍♀️
You can say things such as the following:

  • I had two LGs! Was the LG with "flowers" real or experimental?
  • I had two RCs! Was the section that starts with the honeybee passage real?
  • I had three LRs! Does anyone know if the first LR section with the goose question is real?”

You can't discuss specific questions. 🙅‍♂️
You CANNOT say things such as the following:

  • Hey, the 3rd LG was sequencing and the last one was In/Out, right? (Don't mention the game type)
  • The last question in the first LR section was a lawgic heavy MBT! Was the answer (B)? (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)
  • What was the answer for the last question of RC? I think it was an inference question? Was the answer (C)? (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)

Have fun discussing!



  • rene4231rene4231 Alum Member
    162 karma

    Good luck everyone! See you back here this afternoon :smiley:

  • Jonah Chadwick GriegoJonah Chadwick Griego Alum Member
    652 karma

    Anyone else working some LG's in a hotel breakfast area waiting for the breakfast to come out? If so, me too. If not, yo're missing out y'all.

  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8723 karma

    Best of luck everyone!

  • kpj744___kpj744___ Alum Member
    edited March 2019 231 karma

    I had LG-LR(25)-LR(26)-RC-LR(25).

    LG had game on Quandryville and Pleasantville. Also, the Wu and Zahn co-author game.

    RC had passages about the following, in order: (a) tipping in restaurants; (b) Argentinian author, (c) hominids, and (d) comparative law on women's labor.

    For LR:
    First Q of my first LR (25) section was on restaurants long term versus new patrons and the menu.
    For the 26 LR, first Q was on blood transfusions and hepatitis. There were also two sets of the one stimulus, two Q's.
    For my last LR (25) the first Q was on the mayor's comment on wild, non domesticated animals and dogs. There was also a question about tutoring students and spelling ability for academic ability towards the end.

  • ginaaaaaaaginaaaaaaa Member
    19 karma

    I also had LG-LR-LR-RC-LR! Had the same LG and RC. For LR, definitely had the question about restaurants and spelling ability. Does this mean our second LR was the experimental section?

  • asldkfjaslasldkfjasl Free Trial Member
    4 karma

    Different order but did not have any blood transfusions q nor any one stimulus two q format. I found 3rd logic game very difficult.

  • ginaaaaaaaginaaaaaaa Member
    19 karma

    3rd logic game was a huge pain :( spent so much time on it that I missed half the questions in both games 3 and 4

  • mjmonte17mjmonte17 Alum Member
    757 karma

    I had LR, RC, LG, LR, RC - The first RC section was about normal, the last RC section was very difficult for me (Women's rights, Argentina etc. - I think it was real). I thought LG was easy, except the Quandryville and Pleasantville game gave me pause. It seems they had to make up for easy LG with hard RC. I thought both LR sections were easy to medium.


  • H96 J.DH96 J.D Alum Member
    142 karma


    The third logic game was so timr consuming. WU AND ZAHN GAME.


  • mjmonte17mjmonte17 Alum Member
    757 karma

    Overall I would say the test was "easier" for me compared to January.

  • mjmonte17mjmonte17 Alum Member
    757 karma

    @ginaaaaaaaa lol yeah, I nope'ed the hell right outta game 3, thankfully game 4 was much easier, had some time after to brute force answers.

  • Phyxius1Phyxius1 Member
    edited March 2019 55 karma

    mjmonte17- I had the exact same order as you and have the exact feelings as you for each section. I am hoping to god I did not blow up on that RC section- the last passage on women labor law I had 6 minutes for.

  • mjmonte17mjmonte17 Alum Member
    757 karma

    @Phyxius1 Yeah totally, same here. I was certain the last RC was experimental, just due to the fact that P1 had was lengthy and had a ton of detail + some weird grammar, oh well. Probably spend all my intellectual power on the first RC lol.

  • Norm ChowNorm Chow Alum Member
    34 karma

    @kpj744___ said:
    I had LG-LR(25)-LR(26)-RC-LR(25).

    LG had game on Quandryville and Pleasantville.

    RC had Argentinian author, hominids, and comparative law on women's labor.

    For LR:
    First Q of my first LR (25) section was on restaurants long term versus new patrons and the menu.
    For the 26 LR, first Q was on blood transfusions and hepatitis. There were also two sets of the one stimulus, two Q's.
    For my last LR (25) the first Q was on the mayor's comment on wild, non domesticated animals and dogs. There was also a question about tutoring students and spelling ability for academic ability towards the end.

    Sounds like I had the exact sections as you except my order was LR-LR-LG-LR-RC. Wondering which LR was experimental because thought the first one was easiest...

  • Harvard2020Harvard2020 Member
    109 karma

    One of my LR sections had questions about road repair and recitals. Anyone else? Thinking this was the experimental for me.

  • mjmonte17mjmonte17 Alum Member
    757 karma

    @ata9144 I don't remember a question about that.

  • rene4231rene4231 Alum Member
    162 karma

    I had LG-LR-LR-RC-LR, all my LR sections had 25 questions. I can say that I definitely did not have any two questions sharing one stimulus nor any questions about blood transfusions.

    I'm hoping my second LR was the experimental, everything is kinda blurring together now but I'm positive I had questions in LR regarding:
    bean/medieval agriculture
    road repairs
    replacing washing machines
    disagree over: mayor popularity
    disagree over: proposal for chemical plant on lake
    parallel reason using aliens
    Definitely in my LR3 -- Pharmacist recommendation to doctor, wild animal comparison to dogs, adults and child learning through play

    LG: Wu/Zahn, criminals and day trips
    RC: labor law, hominids, argentinian lit

  • tiptoedncertiptoedncer Alum Member
    69 karma

    any guess what the curve will be?

  • jedrothstein30jedrothstein30 Free Trial Member
    3 karma

    Can anyone confirm in the LR question regarding intravenous vitamins and salinated water was real?

  • tiptoedncertiptoedncer Alum Member
    69 karma

    @jedrothstein30 said:
    Can anyone confirm in the LR question regarding intravenous vitamins and salinated water was real?

    not real i didn't have it

  • rossimarlorossimarlo Free Trial Member
    31 karma

    This was my first time taking the test and I had LR-RC-LG-LR-RC. I am hoping that the first RC was the fake one because the last RC had questions about women's rights, tipping....I think and am hoping that one was real because I think I did better on that.

  • asldkfjaslasldkfjasl Free Trial Member
    4 karma

    @rossimarlo said:
    This was my first time taking the test and I had LR-RC-LG-LR-RC. I am hoping that the first RC was the fake one because the last RC had questions about women's rights, tipping....I think and am hoping that one was real because I think I did better on that.

    I had same topics as your last RC and my experimental was LR - so that was real one

  • rossimarlorossimarlo Free Trial Member
    31 karma

    @asldkfjasl said:

    @rossimarlo said:
    This was my first time taking the test and I had LR-RC-LG-LR-RC. I am hoping that the first RC was the fake one because the last RC had questions about women's rights, tipping....I think and am hoping that one was real because I think I did better on that.

    I had same topics as your last RC and my experimental was LR - so that was real one

    Oh that is great, I am really bad at logic games, so I struggled with them a ton, and the first RC, so I am glad that it wasn't real. That makes me feel a lot better.

  • rossimarlorossimarlo Free Trial Member
    31 karma

    @marismvp said:
    any guess what the curve will be?

    I am wondering about that as well.

  • mjmonte17mjmonte17 Alum Member
    757 karma

    @marismvp David Killoran is saying -11

  • prometheus23prometheus23 Free Trial Member
    9 karma

    Wow, I’ve got to say I don’t feel great about that test. I’ve identified what the experimental section was, and unfortunately it wasn’t the LG. My PTs have consistently been between 165 and 169 with a couple unusually high ones (174 and 179), but I’ve never had such a tough time finding inferences in the LG. I’ll be thrilled to have gotten a 165, but I’m not holding my breath. My advice to anyone studying is to take the PTs in a public place with plenty of distractions. My testing center had a desk the size of a small dinner plate and the ambient noise really distracted me. Good luck all, I’ll repost my score in 2-3 weeks.

  • gladelbrutusgladelbrutus Free Trial Member
    4 karma

    I had LR-LR-LG-LR-RC.. wondering which would be experiment

  • skatherine018skatherine018 Alum Member
    6 karma

    Anyone take the European test? I had LR-LG-LR-LR-RC

  • hogan1081hogan1081 Free Trial Member
    6 karma

    I know there’s no right or wrong answers, but I’m just curious what you guys picked to argue on the writing section?

  • jasminesadejasminesade Alum Member
    edited March 2019 249 karma

    I had LG LR LR RC LR

    LG - coauthor one was all I remember but remember it all felt challenging cause I was having a harder time making inferences

    LR - wish I could remember

    LR - I remember first question was about birds honestly the rest is a blur and I believe non domesticated animal question too

    RC - tipping, opposing a bill, hominids, Latin America book

    LR - morally wrong properly inferred question and I think it was about deception? Idk

    I’m trying to figure out experimental if someone thinks they know although I realize I didn’t put too much info lol

  • mjmonte17mjmonte17 Alum Member
    757 karma

    @hogan1081 Formal Scheduling Squad checking in

  • kpj744___kpj744___ Alum Member
    231 karma

    @rene4231 said:
    I had LG-LR-LR-RC-LR, all my LR sections had 25 questions. I can say that I definitely did not have any two questions sharing one stimulus nor any questions about blood transfusions.

    I'm hoping my second LR was the experimental, everything is kinda blurring together now but I'm positive I had questions in LR regarding:
    bean/medieval agriculture
    road repairs
    replacing washing machines
    disagree over: mayor popularity
    disagree over: proposal for chemical plant on lake
    parallel reason using aliens
    Definitely in my LR3 -- Pharmacist recommendation to doctor, wild animal comparison to dogs, adults and child learning through play

    LG: Wu/Zahn, criminals and day trips
    RC: labor law, hominids, argentinian lit

    Yes, for the LR, I remember the TMAO/carnitine (though I don't remember which one of my 3 LR sections it was). I remember the chemical plant, and the pharmacist recommendation and adult/child play/learning Qs.

    So do we think this means that the test is only 100 questions (and that 26-Q LR I had was experimental??)

  • kpj744___kpj744___ Alum Member
    231 karma

    @rossimarlo said:
    This was my first time taking the test and I had LR-RC-LG-LR-RC. I am hoping that the first RC was the fake one because the last RC had questions about women's rights, tipping....I think and am hoping that one was real because I think I did better on that.

    The womens' rights was real! I only had one RC section and the womens' rights was on there.

  • kpj744___kpj744___ Alum Member
    231 karma

    Here's a great post that talks about which are real etc. -- I completely concur based on my test. I had the wonky two Qs per 1 stimulus twice in that 26-Q LR section of mine.

  • Regis_Phalange63Regis_Phalange63 Alum Member
    edited March 2019 1058 karma

    Wow are those single-stimulus-with-double-questions from Pre-PT 40, coming back to town?

  • Lucas CarterLucas Carter Alum Member
    2804 karma

    @Regis_Phalange63 said:
    Wow are those single-stimulus-with-double-questions from Pre-PT 40,coming back to town?

    I think so!! The past 2 undisclosed tests have had experimental sections with them!

  • Regis_Phalange63Regis_Phalange63 Alum Member
    1058 karma

    @"Lucas Carter" said:

    @Regis_Phalange63 said:
    Wow are those single-stimulus-with-double-questions from Pre-PT 40,coming back to town?

    I think so!! The past 2 undisclosed tests have had experimental sections with them!

    Wow. I don't necessararily think this is bad or anything but just odd! They were gone for a little less than 2 decades!

  • MarClaAveMarClaAve Member
    123 karma

    Is anyone considering canceling their score? I rely on -0 on the LG to boost my overall score, I skipped and came back to the 3rd to last game (Co author game?, I can't remember its all a blur now)

  • theLSATdreamertheLSATdreamer Alum Member
    1287 karma

    i'm always baffled but how everyone remembers questions and sections, all i remember is.. 3 LR sec 1 rc 1 lg, and some writing question about musicians, everything else i a complete blur. I was happy to see 3 LR and not 2 RC!

  • theLSATdreamertheLSATdreamer Alum Member
    1287 karma

    @kpj744___ said:

    @rene4231 said:
    I had LG-LR-LR-RC-LR, all my LR sections had 25 questions. I can say that I definitely did not have any two questions sharing one stimulus nor any questions about blood transfusions.

    I'm hoping my second LR was the experimental, everything is kinda blurring together now but I'm positive I had questions in LR regarding:
    bean/medieval agriculture
    road repairs
    replacing washing machines
    disagree over: mayor popularity
    disagree over: proposal for chemical plant on lake
    parallel reason using aliens
    Definitely in my LR3 -- Pharmacist recommendation to doctor, wild animal comparison to dogs, adults and child learning through play

    LG: Wu/Zahn, criminals and day trips
    RC: labor law, hominids, argentinian lit

    Yes, for the LR, I remember the TMAO/carnitine (though I don't remember which one of my 3 LR sections it was). I remember the chemical plant, and the pharmacist recommendation and adult/child play/learning Qs.

    So do we think this means that the test is only 100 questions (and that 26-Q LR I had was experimental??)

    We had the same test, i cant remember any of the test but seeing your post it all kind of came back, the anxiety, the tears and impending feeling of doom.

  • theLSATdreamertheLSATdreamer Alum Member
    1287 karma

    @marismvp said:

    @jedrothstein30 said:
    Can anyone confirm in the LR question regarding intravenous vitamins and salinated water was real?

    not real i didn't have it

    I actually got that question kind hope it wasnt real

  • YouKnowNothingYouKnowNothing Core Member
    21 karma

    welp i just purchased the premium package...lets go JUNE 3rd lol

  • theLSATdreamertheLSATdreamer Alum Member
    1287 karma

    @BlkChicagoGuy said:
    welp i just purchased the premium package...lets go JUNE 3rd lol

    THATS THE SPIRIT !!! lol

  • kpj744___kpj744___ Alum Member
    231 karma

    @Regis_Phalange63 said:
    Wow are those single-stimulus-with-double-questions from Pre-PT 40, coming back to town?

    I think that was the experimental section, based on what lots of people are saying. So I would say they are considering it! They were back-to-back, practically, too, (in one section even), which really surprised me.

  • kpj744___kpj744___ Alum Member
    edited April 2019 231 karma

    @theLSATdreamer said:

    @kpj744___ said:

    @rene4231 said:
    I had LG-LR-LR-RC-LR, all my LR sections had 25 questions. I can say that I definitely did not have any two questions sharing one stimulus nor any questions about blood transfusions.

    I'm hoping my second LR was the experimental, everything is kinda blurring together now but I'm positive I had questions in LR regarding:
    bean/medieval agriculture
    road repairs
    replacing washing machines
    disagree over: mayor popularity
    disagree over: proposal for chemical plant on lake
    parallel reason using aliens
    Definitely in my LR3 -- Pharmacist recommendation to doctor, wild animal comparison to dogs, adults and child learning through play

    LG: Wu/Zahn, criminals and day trips
    RC: labor law, hominids, argentinian lit

    Yes, for the LR, I remember the TMAO/carnitine (though I don't remember which one of my 3 LR sections it was). I remember the chemical plant, and the pharmacist recommendation and adult/child play/learning Qs.

    So do we think this means that the test is only 100 questions (and that 26-Q LR I had was experimental??)

    We had the same test, i cant remember any of the test but seeing your post it all kind of came back, the anxiety, the tears and impending feeling of doom.

    @theLSATdreamer maybe you surprised yourself! PS - you going to UConn?

  • theLSATdreamertheLSATdreamer Alum Member
    1287 karma

    @kpj744___ said:

    @theLSATdreamer said:

    @kpj744___ said:

    @rene4231 said:
    I had LG-LR-LR-RC-LR, all my LR sections had 25 questions. I can say that I definitely did not have any two questions sharing one stimulus nor any questions about blood transfusions.

    I'm hoping my second LR was the experimental, everything is kinda blurring together now but I'm positive I had questions in LR regarding:
    bean/medieval agriculture
    road repairs
    replacing washing machines
    disagree over: mayor popularity
    disagree over: proposal for chemical plant on lake
    parallel reason using aliens
    Definitely in my LR3 -- Pharmacist recommendation to doctor, wild animal comparison to dogs, adults and child learning through play

    LG: Wu/Zahn, criminals and day trips
    RC: labor law, hominids, argentinian lit

    Yes, for the LR, I remember the TMAO/carnitine (though I don't remember which one of my 3 LR sections it was). I remember the chemical plant, and the pharmacist recommendation and adult/child play/learning Qs.

    So do we think this means that the test is only 100 questions (and that 26-Q LR I had was experimental??)

    We had the same test, i cant remember any of the test but seeing your post it all kind of came back, the anxiety, the tears and impending feeling of doom.

    @theLSATdreamer maybe you surprised yourself! PS - you going to UConn?

    IF my score permits me... yes, i get tuition waiver form the army so its basically free school, only paying for the fees, but i'm already back on the studying wagon getting ready for the june test.

  • amyswlee96amyswlee96 Free Trial Member
    3 karma

    @MarClaAve said:
    Is anyone considering canceling their score? I rely on -0 on the LG to boost my overall score, I skipped and came back to the 3rd to last game (Co author game?, I can't remember its all a blur now)

    I'm in the same situation right now. I feel like maybe I should cancel because I rely on -0 for LG but I was really shaky on this one

  • rossimarlorossimarlo Free Trial Member
    edited April 2019 31 karma

    The results are coming soon for the March lsat. I cannot wait for this wait to be over. I find myself more and more anxious for these results.

  • Pi031415Pi031415 Alum Member
    248 karma

    I’m hoping the scores are released on Thursday. This wait is torture!

  • MarClaAveMarClaAve Member
    123 karma

    Waiting.... Waiting.... Waiting...

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