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Either Or applied to In/Out

max_pivetta7max_pivetta7 Member
in Logic Games 10 karma

Hey all,

Can someone point me in the direction of the lesson that explains the process by which he came to the conclusion he found at around 8:40 of this instruction video?

I've gone through his conditional logic tutorials but I haven't been able to find the lesson where he explains either/or rules in relation to in/out games. Why is it that at least one of L or M must be assigned to the "in" group in this sub-group, while the other is free to float?



  • BlindReviewerBlindReviewer Alum Member
    855 karma

    I just briefly glanced over the game, and don't see a "either/or" rule, but I think you mean this?

    "Or" rules I always circle or pay extra attention to because we're so used to seeing "Not both" rules that "Or" rules (/A -> B) can feel counterintuitive.

  • max_pivetta7max_pivetta7 Member
    edited May 2019 10 karma

    That lesson doesn't discuss the rule in application to LG as far as I can tell...

    He says at 8:55 in the video that "this is an either/or rule" and then concludes that as a result, at least one of L or M must be "in" and the other is free to float. I'm wondering why that is, and where I can find an explanation in the CC. Why is it the case that L/ > M, when in isolation from the rest of the rules, indicates that at least one must be in. Shouldn't it indicate that at least one must be out?

  • Beast ModeBeast Mode Live Member
    edited May 2019 850 karma


    Since it's a not both rule, at least you need one in and one must be out. You cannot have both, there is no space. Instead of writing it twice to indicate one has to be out and one has to be in, you can represent it with a biconditional indicator as you have it above and save time. This lesson will help.

  • max_pivetta7max_pivetta7 Member
    10 karma

    Thanks! One more thing, if you have a second. Where might I find the lesson that explains which of the two variables to make as the "not" variable in an In/Out game, where they have a biconditional not-both relationship?

    For example, in a game where there are two committees, one of which comprises IN and one which comprises OUT, when the rule is "U serves on a different committee from that on which G serves."
    ^How would I know which of the two biconditional variables to make as the not-included one? Would it be U <---->/G or would it be /U <----> G ? Which core curriculum lesson explains the approach to this?

  • Beast ModeBeast Mode Live Member
    edited May 2019 850 karma

    You can find the lesson here In your example, "U serves on a different committee from that on which G serves." This is the always apart, never together biconditional because the rule states U and G have to be on different teams. It doesn't matter which one we cross out because in our biconditional chain they both indicate the same idea that they have to be always apart. When we unchain the biconditional, U <---->/G, we get U ---->/G and it's contrapositive G ---->/U. From this we can say that when U is in, G is out. Also, when G is in, U is out.

    Now let's split this /U <----> G, we get /U ----> G and it's contrapositive /G ----> U. From this we can say that when U is out, G is in. When G is out, U is in. You see how we are really saying the same thing and it doesn't matter which one we cross out as long as we know that they are always apart and never together. Both of our chains indicate the same thing. The biconditional chain saves us time when we do games so that we don't have to write out the rules when we can just represent them in one chain. I hope this helps.

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