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Prep tests vs the actual test day

mmumfordmmumford Member
in General 31 karma

So, I’ll start out by saying I’m signed up to take the LSAT this month (July 15th), but a big appeal to taking the test this month was that due to the transition to a digital test, you’re allowed to cancel your score if you’re not pleased and take the LSAT again for free in the next year. I took the LSAT once in January and scored a 154, now having finished the curriculum I am scoring in the 160 range, but I guess I’m wondering if those of you who have taken the LSAT after 7sage would say your test scores on the prep tests were representative of what you did on test day. Is it likely that I’ll score more near a 154 again on test day? I also only have the starter pack due to time constraints, so I only have older prep tests. Do you guys think this affects the scores I’m getting as well? Thanks in advance for any feedback!


  • RealLaw612RealLaw612 Member
    1094 karma

    What was your PT average the first time? If it was closer to 154 and you’re doing 160 now, I’d say your chances of dropping are pretty slim. Of course, a lot depends on how test day goes but, barring any severe issues, I think you should feel pretty confident.

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    If you are able to take 2 of the newer prep tests before the real thing in July, it might help you adjust to the current tests. Newer tests are testing the same concepts, but many people experience a bit of an adjustment period on the newer LR and RC. You can purchase the new prep tests through 7sage individually.

  • MIT_2017MIT_2017 Alum Member
    470 karma

    @drbrown2 said:
    If you are able to take 2 of the newer prep tests before the real thing in July, it might help you adjust to the current tests. Newer tests are testing the same concepts, but many people experience a bit of an adjustment period on the newer LR and RC. You can purchase the new prep tests through 7sage individually.

    I'd actually say this is a must. While the new tests are not radically different, I think the differences could very easily lead to a decline in one's score if they are not used to the changes.

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