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Importance of LSAT written portion?

Gunningfor121Gunningfor121 Alum Member

How important is the written portion of the LSAT? Considering admissions boards will have a personal statement, essays you've written, and so forth, how much do they really consider the written part of the LSAT? I did the written part in March, but with the June administration (which I took), it's online and optional I believe. I'm considering doing the June LSAT written portion as well since I could probably do a better job on it than the March one, but I'm wondering whether it's worth the time, since I've heard the written part of the LSAT is nearly ignored.


  • Gunningfor121Gunningfor121 Alum Member
    517 karma

    @"selene.steelman" @"elizabeth.cavallari"

    JY mentioned you two when I asked him this question. Any insight is appreciated!

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    The LSAT essay has never been ignored by admissions committees. It appears in the CAS Report right after a candidate's GPA and LSAT scores. Under the new system, a candidate must complete at least one LSAT Writing in order to apply to law school. While LSAT Writing is not a scored essay, the admissions officer will read the essay in order to assess the candidate’s persuasive writing style and analytical skills in a timed and controlled environment. The admissions officer will also read the essay and compare the quality of writing to the application’s other essays (PS, DS, Why X, addenda). If you submit strong application essays but your LSAT Writing essay is weak, the admissions committee may think twice about admitting you. Now that the LSAT Writing sample is typed and much easier to read, admissions committees will definitely be paying more attention to the substance and style of the sample. Good luck!

  • cooljon525-1-1cooljon525-1-1 Alum Member
    917 karma

    My old lsat tutor used to work for admissions at UC berkeley and he told me that the only time he ever read people's writing portion was if the student was international or if the student's application was written in a manner where he wanted to verify that the student can actually write in such a fashion.

  • Gunningfor121Gunningfor121 Alum Member
    517 karma


    Thanks for the detailed response, Selene. It sounds like I should go ahead and submit an additional writing sample since I have the opportunity. Do you think admissions officers would read both, or just the more recent one? I can't imagine they have that much time for each applicant.

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    LSAC will provide the 3 most recent LSAT Writing essays in a candidate's CAS Report. Admissions officers will read everything (even if it is very quickly). Most files will have at least two pairs of eyes looking them over before a final decision is made. Admissions deans have denied candidates because they felt the test takers did not approach the essay with the appropriate attention or respect. Good luck!

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    I am happy with the argument I made on the November essay. Do you think any admissions officers will expect those of us who have hand written essays from previous administrations to complete a typed essay from the June test and onwards? My handwriting is legible, but I remember Dean Schwartz say how he was excited that the essays would all be typed going forward. My instinct is that we will not be expected to complete a new typed essay, but I don't want anyone to think the absence of a typed essay is due to lack of effort.

  • Gunningfor121Gunningfor121 Alum Member
    517 karma

    @"selene.steelman" so hypothetically, if I don’t want admissions officers to see my March writing sample, I could just take the June, July, and September writing samples and it would be effectively washed from my application?

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    @drbrown2 If you are satisfied with your previous LSAT essay performance, I don't think you need to do the LSAT Writing just to having a typed essay available. Better that you focus on your multiple choice section of the LSAT and your application materials. Good luck!

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    @Gunningfor121 Based on what the LSAC representative told me, LSAC will only send the three most recent LSAT Writing samples to your law schools. In your hypothetical, if you applied in October, your schools would receive your June, July and September essays.

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