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@HLSDVDYK @bugvi_00 @"Positively LSAT Street" @Bluffer0123 @btownsquee @TwinklePatel @doyouevenLSAT
The digital tester for problem sets is live now! We know a lot of you have been waiting for this—thank you for your patience while we worked on this!
Where are the old PDFs?
Since LSAT is 100% digital testing now, the old PDF option is hidden by default. To see the old PDF options, tap the little PDF icon just under the bottom left corner of the tester.
How to Create Problem Sets
Just like before, you can create custom problem sets with any of the questions you have access to on your account. The difference is that you can take them using the digital tester, and all the problem sets you create are saved and tracked on your account. You can see a list of all the problem sets you have started/created on the Problem Sets page. Problem sets from the curriculum have book icons next to their names.
On that page, tap on "Create Custom Problem Set" to create a problem set. The interface is the same as the old "Question Bank" interface (but now it's faster!).
How to Take Single Sections
To do a single section, you make a custom problem set with the questions for the one section that you want to take. If you aren't familiar with the custom problem set interface, here are more detailed instructions on how to do this:
Drills are deprecated
The "Drills" lessons in Ultimate+ are now deprecated and will be deleted from the curriculum soon. You can easily recreate them with the Problem Sets page, so they don't serve a purpose anymore. For now, until they are deleted, you can still access them so that if you're in the middle of them you still know your current progress.
Please let us know if you see anything strange or broken!
YESSSSS!! Thank you!
This is what we needed thank you!
This is amazing, thank you so much! I’m having trouble figuring out how to access a single section When I go to a PT in my course syllabus and click on digital tester I don’t see an option to take just a section.
An explanation of how to navigate to a single section in the digital tester would be super appreciated. Thank you!
Thank you!!! This is awesome!!!
Thanks a lot for this feature. Game changer
Amazing, thank you!
Thank you!!!
This was much needed. Thank you!
Just to add, I also couldn't figure this out. How do we access single section practice?
Can't wait to pull out my iPad and try this, thank you!
thank you!!!!!
Sorry, should have explained this because it's definitely not clear. There is no specialized single section practice mode. To do a single section, you make a custom problem set with just the one section.
Another reason 7Sage is awesome! Thanks for this.
this is great! thank you!
Quick Question. I keep trying to print out Preptest 10-19 IN/OUT game practice set and the pdf I keep getting is Pretest 10-19 Misc Spatial. Is this a weird error or are you guys in the process of removing the PDF versions? I really like being able to print these and work on them when I am unable to have access to the internet / computer.
There's a blue PDF icon towards the end of the digital display that you can select. Hope this helps.
Was able to solve this issue sort of. I used your problem set link instead of my old routine of going directly to the syllabus and choosing the pdf under lesson/lg-questions-by-type-drill-preptest-10-to-19/.
JY, you are a genius, as a foreigner who are studying for the LSAT and whose first language is not English, The things you have done are really helpful for me personally, thank you very much!!!
This is amazing! Thank you
Thank you for letting us know about this and the workaround you found! The problem should be fixed now. When you go to the drills pages, it should look like it did before, except that there is a deprecated warning.
Hi, this is an amazing tool.
Quick questions:
Can you "randomize" the questions order? I wanted to create a drill set for all "flaw" questions from PT 1-35, but instead of the PT order, can I have them random?
Can I customize the timing/clock on the the customized problem sets? I'd like to time it based the JY's LG timing recommendations. Also, for LR or RC, can I just keep track of the time spent on the passage/questions without having a "limit"?
BTW I tested an LG and it's amazing to know how long I spent on each question. We must shower 7sage with all the Kudos.
Thanks guys this is really cool. One thing I noticed that was broken for my account (I don't know if this is just mine or everyone's) is that the answer button on the single walk through questions don't work anymore - as in the bar that drops down and tells you how difficult the question was and what score range tended to get the question right.
I am also having the same issue on videos not showing answers.
@"Alan Cheuk" Please don't get rid of the PDF options yet. At least some international tests are not going digital yet this year.
This is the response from LSAC, "Thank you for writing. The October 2019 LSAT in Asia will be paper-based, as the LSAT will be fully Digital starting in September at test centers only in North America. You may complete your October registration at this time, and please let us know if you have any additional questions."
This is why 7sage is the best -- let's gooooooooooooo
@"Alan Cheuk"
Are you able to delete practice sets you create? I was playing around with it just to get a feel and now I can't seem to delete these sets.
Hallelujah!!!! Thank you so much for making this happen. I practically jumped up out of my seat with joy when I noticed the sections and drill sets are live on digital. THANK YOU!
Thank you very helpful!!
For sure, the PDF options aren't going away anytime soon!
Yup! You can delete them by tapping the little red trashcan under the bottom left corner of the problem set.
Will LSAT be digital in ASIA next year? I don't think I will be prepared for the October test in Asia, so I'm wondering if I should be preparing via digital format for the January exam.
This is so dope! Thanks for setting us up for the real deal!
I love the blind review option however, anyone else notice that the answer you selected during the set is darker than the other four bubbles? Not helpful for BR. @"Alan Cheuk"
@"Alan Cheuk" I noticed what appears to be a glitch: If I re-create a problem set that I've already done, the data in the results does not accurately show the time each question/game took on the second attempt. Instead it apparently carries over the time data from the first attempt.
@"Alan Cheuk" just wanted to let you know that PT14 G3 Q13 cuts off the third column in the answer choices. Thanks for all your help!
@"Alan Cheuk" Does this new feature allow us to add a fifth section to preptests?
@"I Dunt Want It"
Thanks for letting us know about this! The fix is out, you may need to force refresh to pickup the change.
That wasn't a feature we designed for so it would be hard to do
. We may put something like that in the future, but it won't be coming anytime soon. Sorry!
I know this is not what quite what you are looking for, but you can make some rough adjustments using harder or accommodations timing by tapping on the clock icon. You can also spend "unlimited" time on a question with blind review.
Thank you for flagging this, we totally missed it! Fix is live, please check it out and let us know if it looks right on your side.
Thank you!
Will these count toward our score and progress that the full exams add to?
How do you retake problem sets that you've already taken once?
Thank you for flagging this, we totally missed it! Fix is live, please check it out and let us know if it looks right on your side.
No sorry, the problem sets are not used in the Analytics, etc. This because they are taken under very different conditions than how full PTs are taken. Results from questions taken in problem sets are not directly comparable to questions taken as part of full PTs.
You can create a new problem set with the same questions and take it again.
You can also delete your first take by tapping on the little trashcan icon under the bottom left corner of the tester, but I recommend the solution above.
@"Alan Cheuk"
Having a few issues with timing:
1) Trying to take a timed section and it gives me only 34:30 secs, instead of 35 mins.
2) Is there a way to do a problem set untimed for drilling purposes...
Thanks in advance!
How to > @"Alan Cheuk" said:
@"Alan Cheuk"
Thank you so much for the improvements! Fantastic job.
Could you please add a function to duplicate existing problem sets? Or at least allow us to erase answer on our problem sets -- so we don't have to recreate the same problem set so many times! Thanks in advance.
This is insanely helpful for fool proofing, thank you! Is there a way to see how long it took you to complete the entire problem set (not just each individual question)? I’m using the time accommodation feature but would still like to see my total time. A count up timer would be helpful
If you hover over the timing bar on any question it'll also tell you how long it took you to complete the entire game - so you'd just need to add the total times for however many games you're taking. And then you could write your total time for the set in the notes section, if you want to track it.
Thank you!!