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Need Advice: Don't know what to do with Logic Games

mzs321mzs321 Free Trial Member
edited August 2019 in General 4 karma

I started studying back in November of 2016. In three years since then I have taken the test multiple times but a score of 170 has remained elusive. Now I am trying for another attempt, I want to ensure I get there.

The problem I am facing is that a score of -1, 0 in logic games is not coming. I consistently go -4 and sometimes even blow up as well.

I have done all I can that includes fool proofing 5-36 and more. I have done every logic game in tests 5-82 multiple times. And fool proofed them. so lack of practice cannot be the reason. I have watched JY videos of all logic games from 1-82. I try to make inferences upfront. Try to follow what JY suggests in core curriculum. I have tried to create set of best practices. Yet I have failed to reach -1 which a lot of people can do easily.

One of biggest problem is scoring less on unseen games. if I do a game set that I have done a long time ago, I will do it good. But an unseen new game set, would yield a score that is bad.

Now I am asking you? What else I can do? Not giving up but what is out there that I haven't tried and can try that can yeaild better results? Please share?


  • chicago234chicago234 Alum Member
    163 karma

    What mistakes are you making? We could give better advice if we know where exactly the mistakes are coming from. Are the unseen games similar to earlier games/games you’ve seen before? Why exactly do you think you continue to miss this amount of questions?
    I found it super helpful to journal to get a better understanding of where/why I’m messing up

  • axjxmarvelaxjxmarvel Alum Member
    158 karma

    Is it a timing issue? Or are you finishing sections on time but missing questions?

  • axjxmarvelaxjxmarvel Alum Member
    158 karma

    Also, what materials (Powerscore, etc) have you used in your studies? You mention following the core curriculum, but has there been anything else?

    I would also analyze what specific game types are giving you issues so you can drill down on specific types.

    And I completely agree with the poster above about journaling. At one point I would write down an analysis of every single question I got wrong, and every single question I got right without 100% certainty. I’d time each game and keep record of that accordingly, and then literally write out how I felt about each question and an analysis of why the correct answer was correct, and why each wrong answer was wrong. Takes forever but is invaluable, particularly if you feel you’ve tried everything else.

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