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LR speed

Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to improve on LR speed? I average about 2 minutes per question (and I feel like I am rushing). Although I am slow, I am mostly accurate.

I would love to hear all of your thoughts :)


  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    2464 karma

    Practice, practice practice! I believe that speed boils down to familiarity and comfort with the questions types which only comes from a thorough understanding of what you're reading (i.e what you should be looking for in each question type etc). The more accurate and "comfortable" you become with the questions the more you will begin to see the patterns emerge. So in a nutshell- keep practicing/drilling, theres no other way around it.

  • endless_summer17endless_summer17 Alum Member
    76 karma

    Thanks so much for the advice :) How long did it take you to start noticing your speed increasing?

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    Speed comes with mastery of the fundamentals. How fast can you isolate the parts of the argument? How fast can you find the flaw in the reasoning. Once you’re pretty good at that, the next step is mastery of question types. Good fundamentals alone will get you pretty far in MBT MBF, MMS and MC questions but the rest of the question types will likely need some drilling. Because strategy starts to play a role. Learn the approach for each quest type and drill until it’s second nature. Took me about 8 months before I felt really comfortable with LR.

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