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How to properly do problem sets

Liah AfsharLiah Afshar Core Member
in General 101 karma

HI there! :)

whenever you finish a problem set, do you watch ALL of the videos on the explanation of each question? Even the questions that you got right? I feel that there are some questions that I don't need to watch the explanations for but I do it because I don't want to jinx myself. Is it recommended that you watch all of the explanations on each question? or is it recommended that you watch the explanation video on only the questions that you got wrong? I'm asking because a simple problem choice marking session seems to be taking a long time and I wanted to know the best way to go about it...

Thank you for your inputs!


  • Epic wafflesEpic waffles Alum Member
    36 karma

    Hello :smiley:

    I personally watch all the videos even the ones that I get right and understand. It takes time yes, but I have found that if I listen to the explanations there could be another approach to these questions that I haven’t though of and for certain question types this really helps, as it gives me an “ah-ha” moment.

    It really depends on how much time you have to study.....I am studying full time so I do have the extra time to spend with each question.

  • Liah AfsharLiah Afshar Core Member
    101 karma

    Thank you very much for yiour comment!

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