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Yale law open house email?

jiziahndjiziahnd Free Trial Member
in General 20 karma

I recently got an email from Yale inviting me to register for one of its online open houses, and the email ended with something along the lines of, "We have carefully selected you as a prospective applicant..." Did anyone else get this as well and/or know whether or not it's just a mass email?


  • J_ClarksonJ_Clarkson Alum Member
    edited October 2019 585 karma

    if your numbers aren't at/near their medians i would wager it was a mass email

  • divaspellerdivaspeller Alum Member
    68 karma

    I got the e-mail; I'm near their medians though, so I'm not sure if it's a mass e-mail or not.

  • Heart Shaped BoxHeart Shaped Box Alum Member
    edited October 2019 2426 karma

    I did too and didn't know what to think of it since my LSAT score is quite a few points lower than Yale median requirement.

    I did read somewhere online that says schools like Yale could invite applicants whose LSAT scores are quite below their median (me in this case) only to reject them later in order to boost the selectivity rate (one of the components in ranking).

    Again, this is completely anecdotal I have no idea if it's correct as I can see the mortality/ethics argument being made there. I'm simply quoting what I read.

  • jiziahndjiziahnd Free Trial Member
    20 karma

    @"Heart Shaped Box" @divaspeller if you guys don't mind sharing, are you URMs? I suspect I got the email because I am an URM although my stats are not really within Yale's median.

  • Heart Shaped BoxHeart Shaped Box Alum Member
    2426 karma

    @ahdo well, I'm Asian as you can see, and I don't think we count as URM for law school applicants. I know African American and Hispanic applicants are considered URM and there could be more but I'm not very well versed on this.

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