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"stuck" in low-mid 160s

Hi guys,

I have been studying seriously since the beginning of September but I just don't seem to be improving very much. My diagnostic score was a 162 (pt43). Since then, these are my scores:
2007: 163
73: 158
39: 165
25: 163
78: 165
53: 165
75: 164

My weakest section is logic games. In LR in the latest tests I have been getting between 2-4 wrong. and RC is 2-4 wrong too. Should I just keep doing games as JZ suggests? I know it is a decent score but with my diagnostic I had pretentiously hoped I would see quick improvements. I am taking the Nov LSAT.

Thank you!!


  • prubh_grewalprubh_grewal Alum Member
    14 karma

    Keep doing the games! I found that after doing this, I would often notice patterns in the questions, but this is only because I have been used to doing them for so long. Also, spend more time upfront on the diagram, it may sound counter-intuitive but this is your best bet for success. If you were like me, then things will just "click" one'll have that moment where everything starts coming together. Try and have habits; most logic games are either pure sequencing, grouping, or a combination of both. Determine the game type up front. I have found that simply looking at a bunch of stimulus' without writing anything down and then sorting out what the instructions are in my head while trying to do 1 or 2 questions, is great as a training exercise.

    Good luck

  • BlindReviewerBlindReviewer Alum Member
    855 karma

    Everything @prubh_grewal says is on point -- 1) foolproof, foolproof, foolproof and 2) do work upfront (or realize when doing work upfront isn't required -- what JY calls a "rule-driven" game).

    What helped me a lot when my score didn't go up despite foolproofing was stepping back and figuring out the commonalities between games. For example, there are grouping games, but there are grouping games where the number of pieces in each category is given to you and some where they aren't. Sometimes you have grouping games where the pieces can repeat, and sometimes they can't repeat, etc. Figuring these similarities out and then cross-applying strategies will really help you gain a deeper understanding of the games beyond simply going on autopilot!

  • Chris NguyenChris Nguyen Alum Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    4599 karma

    I foolproofed all games from PT 1-35 and I went from -10ish to -2ish per game. Foolproofing works!

  • motximotximotximotxi Member
    88 karma

    Thank you everyone!!!

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