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Logic Games

sweetsana_27sweetsana_27 Alum Member
in Logic Games 74 karma
If I plan on studying logic games for this whole month then what is a good amount of number of games to play per day? I was thinking of going over 8 games a day. I pretty much understand plain sequencing games but in some games like the in/out games you need to know about biconditionals and the demorgan's law, so I need to go back on that little section on advanced logic before I start playing some of the games. I am getting pretty well with the use of "or" and "not both" rules too. So would 8 games a day be enough or should I go for more? I think 8 is a good number to start with. If anyone wants to let me know there strategies then please share. I am planning on retaking the june lsat, and games is my worst section. But I heard that its the easiest to improve so even if I get 15 right on every other section, and get about 20 right for games then hopefully I can get a 150 or above. The last time I enrolled for 7sage, I didn't really spend much time studying the material so I ended up with a 140 so I really hope I can get 10 points or more on the test. So please suggest what is a good idea to go forth with games. Thanks.


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    Is that 8 new games a day with the fool proof method to perfection or are you just doing 8 games total a day? I think the number of games you do is goal dependent. Someone with a goal of perfection on the LG would have a higher daily requirement than that of someone aiming for 15-20. For me, I am doing 40-50 games a day 3-4 times weekly. But, that is using the fool proof method which means some of those games are duplicates. Personally, I have set up a spread sheet with all 74 prep tests set and games 1-4. Every time I master a game according to the fool proof method, I check it off the list. My goal is to fool proof every game in PT 1-75 by the October LSAT. Best of luck to you. I think doing something everyday is of paramount importance when it comes to improving on this section.
  • alexroark5alexroark5 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    812 karma
    For what its worth, here is how I went about getting better at games:

    First, I referred back to JY's initial lessons on each game category. Pretty much every game on the LSAT will involve sequencing, grouping, or some combination of the two. But within each there are different categories as well (double layer sequencing, grouping w/a chart, in-out games). Going over JY's initial lessons on each of the game categories I would get really comfortable with the games he used as examples. They are meant to highlight certain inferences that tend to reappear within that particular category of games (for ex: with in-out games, when all the out slots are full, you know every one left must be in). So get comfortable with these lesson games, and start to recognize the inferences that reappear in grouping games/sequencing games etc. You will be asked to make these inferences over and over again on future games.

    As far as how many games, I didn't really pay attention to that. I had a set number of hours per day I would work on games. Some days I did more than others because the games were easier that day and I didn't have to spend as much time on each one. Other days I would do less because they were harder and it took me 3 or 4 tries to fool proof them. One thing that I would recommend is to focus on PT 1-35 when practicing. Don't waste practice on newer games. There are plenty of relevant games in the older PTs. Through practice I learned what games I was good at and what games I wasn't. That allowed me to target the amount of time I spent on each game type intelligently. Don't get discouraged as most people make tons of mistakes before they start to really master them.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    edited April 2015 3462 karma
    Make sure you don't forget about LR/RC. Don't slack off on one section for another. You kind of need a balance for all 3. I would suggest that you work on LG maybe 2 or 3 days out of the week and on the other days that you focus on LR and RC.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    Agree with @alexroark5 and @emli1000 : Games all have a number of "genetic twins" and if you get to know each of the varieties as Alex has described, you are putting yourself in a strong position to be able to tackle what you see on test day. There was a rumor that the February test had a "circular" game so I would say be sure not to neglect the "outlier" game types (ones that are unusual or that appear infrequently).

    And yes—I have made the mistake of neglecting the other sections while hyperfocusing on one section in the past and came to regret that. Make sure you are always doing at least one RC passage and a chunk of LR each day—provided that you have already learned the good habits and would not be simply reinforcing bad habits with so much repetition.

    Just for some perspective, the first time I took an LG section I got 7/23. Last LG section I took I missed 1 (the last time I missed more than 2 or 3 was with the circle game in PT40 or so due to an unfortunate misread of a single rule!) and I haven't even done the entire LG bundle yet. So methinks there's -0 in me future :) But BOY is that a different scenario from the one in which I found myself in August!!
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    @ALL OF THE ABOVE Do NOT neglect one section for the other. Remember, even though the test is composed of three distinct sections, logical reasoning, reading comprehension, and critical reasoning are essential skills that are important in every section.
  • sweetsana_27sweetsana_27 Alum Member
    74 karma
    Thank you so much everyone, I think im going to focus on games for two weeks and then go back to LR. LR is half of the test so I rather spend more time on that than RC.
  • VegMeg55VegMeg55 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    587 karma
    It also depends if you're doing the LG bundle or every single PT. Remember to save the LG sections for your timed PTs of newer exams. Two weeks for the LG bundle is quite doable. Good luck!
  • sweetsana_27sweetsana_27 Alum Member
    74 karma
    @VegMeg55 What do you mean by the LG bundle? Are you talking about the hw sets at the end of each type of game?
  • VegMeg55VegMeg55 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    587 karma
    Sorry! A much more appropriate description would be the LG Bundle of Logic Games from 1-35. I was indicating that two weeks for the logic games from PTs 1-35 is doable, but I was trying to recognize that some people don't intend to take a time simulation for PTs 36 and on so they do the LG sections for PTs beyond that 'bundle' of 35 LG sections. I apologize as now that I'm rereading my response, it wasn't very helpful at all but I was basically saying that the quantity of independent LG sections versus LG sections within timed PTs is another factor to consider when trying to guestimate how many games per day you should be doing. I hope that cleared things up, and I'll go crawl in a corner now. Good luck!
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Just popping in to say that if you want the LG bundle, you'd be best to get it before the 21st as the games from PTs 1-35 won't be available in PDF form after then, only the videos. Pick it up here:
  • VegMeg55VegMeg55 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    587 karma
    Yes! That thing that @"Dillon A. Wright" just mentioned. That would have been a much more efficient answer... It's almost like he works here...
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @"Dillon A. Wright" excellent point—perhaps a good time to advertise it on social media as well? FB/IG ... This is what happens when you're a marketing exec ... You just see opportunities to get the word out ...
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    @nicole.hopkins exactly!
  • sweetsana_27sweetsana_27 Alum Member
    74 karma
    hey guys, I just brought logic games bundle from pts 41-60, i thought it would be good to drill all the newer games, and plus a friend of mine gave me her older Kaplan books which have most of the older pts from the 90s so i think that should be good for me. Thanks for all the help everyone :)
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