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Am I prepping correctly?

aaronmv123aaronmv123 Member
in General 5 karma

I received a cold diagnostic score a week ago scoring a 144. Then I have done roughly 20 hours of this online course for a week and took a practice test and scored a 152, I did not count any questions I guessed on for this score, however I did not take logic games since I have not studied it so I held it constant at 9 correct answers since that is what I got on my prior practice test. Any advice to get my practice score up to 160-162? I am preparing for the February 2020 LSAT and my goal is a 160-165. Is this obtainable even though I can only study for 20 hours a week due to work and school?


  • LindseyDCLindseyDC Core Member
    190 karma

    20 hours a week sounds like 1 practice test and BR (about 12 hours in my opinion) and some studying per week. You will want to get through the core curriculum and take a minimum of 6 practice tests (per my reading and listening to the CC from JY). I am aiming for the February exam too. I am 35% into redoing the core curriculum and going to take the 6-7 exams. I would save 1/2 of January and all of February for practice exams, and do as much core curriculum as you possibly can right now. The core curriculum basically says you need time for the information to really saturate, so you will need to be very disciplined (phone off, no distractions, etc). I think it is possible to get that score, but you need to cut everything else out aside from work and school (speaking from experience as I am doing this now too). I also am not allowing myself to purchase the exam until I know exactly where I am at on the exam registration deadline (January 7th). I've teased myself before by buying the exam and then having to cancel it because I just wasn't ready and it's such an important exam. Good luck!!

  • taschasptaschasp Alum Member Sage
    796 karma

    If you're planning on taking the February LSAT and won't be swayed otherwise, I would spend 80% of your time on logic games since that's the section you can most easily improve on in a shorter amount of time.

    Are you aiming for February because you're applying this cycle (for Fall 2020)? Because if not, I would recommend giving it more time.

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