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Georgetown Application Status

JDsalingerJDsalinger Free Trial Member

Is it possible to check the status of an application other than waiting for a piece of mail?

I applied 6 weeks ago early decision. They guarantee response in 4 weeks, but I haven't yet heard from them. I live in a NYC apartment, so there's a that a piece of mail got lost. Wondering at what point I should take next steps (for example, calling admissions office?)


  • Grace...Grace... Alum Member
    344 karma

    When you apply, schools usually email you for an Application Status Checker user ID and a password, which is usually in the receipt confirmation email. Have you received it? If not, you should probably call them.

  • JDsalingerJDsalinger Free Trial Member
    27 karma

    I have received it. My application says "completed" on the online portal, however Georgetown doesn't subsequently change the online status after a decision is rendered.

    I haven't received a ding/waitlist email yet - so I'm just nervous that a letter may have gotten lost in the mail.

    It seems weird that they would guarantee a response in 4 weeks and then take 6+ to respond. Maybe that's normal though.

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