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Hi everyone, I have exciting news to share.
We're giving you a free peek into a new set of courses that we're developing in collaboration with professors from top law schools to teach you what you may or may not learn in your 1L year.
I say "may or may not" because the way teaching happens in law school is strange.
You'd think that there's this body of law and that the professor would just tell you what the laws are and then you can learn to apply them to different situations. But that's not how it is. Instead, most professors utilize what's called the Socratic method by which they ask questions of you to prod you in the right direction so you can figure out the answers yourself. The claim is that by so doing, they're teaching you to "think like a lawyer." No doubt it's sometimes successful. But often it's not. If I could sum up my 1L experience with the method in one word, it would be this: frustrating.
I would have preferred to simply listen to professors communicate their knowledge of the law. They had the knowledge. I had an empty head.
So, in some ways, what I'm doing here is an attempt to fix something that had bothered me for years. I'm trying to make legal educational content that J.Y.-from-the-past would have wanted. In so doing, I'm hoping that I'm making something that you, current or future law student, want.
We are preparing lessons for courses that most 1Ls have to take. They are Property, Contracts, Torts, Civil Procedure, Criminal Law, and Constitutional Law.
We have only a few lessons ready in the Property and Torts curriculum, but we're eager to share what we have.
If you have any kind of account with us, including a free account, you'll be able to access these lessons. This won't be true forever, but it is for now.
Woah. Super cool. I like the video graphics, just started watching the first video. Thanks J.Y.!
This looks exciting!
Can't wait for more content. Very excited! Thank you
Wow! You're awesome! I look forward to the material becoming available to us.
you really are the goat.
yay!!! I think you mean "there" not "true" (last sentence) - So awesome!!! Thanks!!! I need to study the LSAT first, but I'm very very tempted!)))
Wonderful thanks so much!!
This is something thats really needed lol
Thank you JY! very much enjoying the courses.
This is pretty cool. Thank you for this! Awesome work
JY = the GOAT, after Kobe of course
Yaaayyyyy!! Thank you so much JY
& to think I was going to go with another LSAT company. I'm so glad I chose 7sage. Thank you guys so much!
I am so excited about this!!! The law school professors are going to be so confused when so many people will do amazing in classes!
This is amazing, thank you so much for doing this. JY is just reminding us why 7sage is the best prep program period.
Wowwww - Exciting and inspiring as usual. Thanks 7sage!
Great stuff! Can’t wait for it!
JY, do you think the 1L Socratic experience is just as hit/miss at all law schools?
Great, i want to join!
This is really great! So excited to dive into it!
thanks JY!
This is awesome! Another reason 7Sage is the best!
Wow, can I redo 1L? 7Sage always amazing me with the resources it provides to people wanting to get into law.
This looks awesome! Can't wait!
This reminds me of the paralegal courses I took years ago. This is so Awesome and Thank you much!!!
can't wait!!! if you don't mind, when are u planning to complete the whole curriculum?? hopefully, I can get ready before i start my program next Fall! : )
Awesome! This would be very useful.
Woo! This is amazing. Thank you!
Shut up and take my money!
I’m starting law school this fall and that would be so helpful!
7sage is life
will def be using this the summer before 1L!
looking forward to this!
Update: The first 3 lessons for Constitutional Law are posted.
Loving the lectures so far, thanks so much JY!
Will there be a module on Intellectual Property?
Hi there,
For now we don't have any plans to do a module on Intellectual Property because it's not a 1L course. In the far future, we might do one.
This is awesome! Thank you!
This is amazing! Thank you so much
This is amazing!! THANK YOU!
It looks like the Property section was taken down. Will it come back at some point?
Hi there,
The Property course is still available at this location: Are you having trouble accessing the Property course?
@"Juliet --Student Service--" Im actually seeing the same thing. I still have access to Torts, Civ Pro, and Con Law but I can't see the Property course anymore?
Yes, the only ones that were showing up were Torts, Constitutional Law & Civil Procedure but it looks like Property Intro & Property - Trespass are back. Thanks!
@"Jay Tee" and @jmarmaduke96
Sorry about that. The issue should be resolved now. See the screenshot below of how it should appear:
Let me know if you still cannot access the Property course.
Awesome idea. Can't wait to dive in!
“Frustrating” is an excellent word for 1L classes. I can think of a few others I won’t share. Looking forward to watching this develop, and I’m jealous that I didn’t have this!
Update: I've been going through this course and genuinely enjoying it. How complete is this? How far in the development of this project are you guys? Just curious.
So awesome. Took a quick tour. Praying I make it so I can hit this big time. Rock on JY!!
Thank you J.Y.! I admire your intelligence and cannot wait for more content!
I just completed the available CivPro videos and can't wait for more. Having gone through the BarBri CivPro modules I can say that 7Sage is unique in making CivPro principles understandable. Any idea on when more material will be added? Thanks for this GREAT resource!