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ahnendc-1ahnendc-1 Member
in General 642 karma

Hey everyone... I had done a drilled LR section (PT 74 S4) and got a -6 on 2/5 at the very beginning of my studies (before completing the CC) and I took the same section again this afternoon and got a -6 again.

Perhaps a good sign is that I got none of the same questions wrong? I've been tracking ALL of my LR misses in an Excel sheet so I went back through the questions I missed on 2/5 and my description of what happened and I did notice that I was able to eliminate the TRAP ACs that I fell into on the 2/5 run so that was encouraging but not sure what happened on the other questions I previously got right. Also, I was able to do -0 when I Blind Reviewed the section; something I absolutely and with 100% certainly would NOT have been able to do back in February so I'm telling myself that there is at least some improvement in my understanding whether or not its showing up on my timed section yet...?

Although I only consciously remembered one question (and not even what the answer was, just that this one tripped me up previously), obviously any retake score is somewhat inflated. Am I just deluding myself here that I'm making forward progress?

How long did you feel like it took you to start to see consistent changes in your LR?


  • jmarmaduke96jmarmaduke96 Member Sage
    2891 karma

    I don't think you're deluding yourself at all and it is definitely a good sign that you did not get any of the same questions wrong. Sometimes it takes some time to see progress after the CC. The thing about the LSAT is that there are two very big and very distinct challenges involved that really are too big to be tackled together. The first of those challenges is just the difficulty of the material. The second is contending with the clock. Your work in the CC will have begun to prepare you to tackle the first of those difficulties; and if you can go -0 in BR already then I think that it has worked.

    Although, a couple of clarifying questions would help me to give better advice. How long ago did you finish the CC? have you done many full length PTs since then? If so, how did they go? What about this section you just did? Is it a one off or is that an average score for you?

    Honestly after I finished the CC I think I got worse at timed LR for awhile. I had so much in my head that I was trying to do and think about and it all took time. I started to improve after a couple months, but then I hit wall and plateaued for a very looooooooong time. That was demoralizing. But I eventually worked with a tutor and got my timing into a better place and have started to work past that.

    Ideally, for the time being, I think that you want to focus on drilling your weak areas with questions and focus on seeing patterns. Obviously, that is in addition to rigorous blind review. Once you get to the -4/-5 area consistently in your timed score per section, that is when I think more emphasis should be devoted to timing techniques that will allow you to whittle your score down those last couple of points. I hope this helps! You sound like you are doing well, keep at it and dont get discouraged! :smiley:

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