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Should I register for a US test center in hopes that it will be Flex? (International student)

in General 60 karma

Context: I don't study in the US, and am not planning to fly in just for taking a August session LSAT. Also, the next available international LSAT is in October.

Dilemma: I'm deciding if I should registering for the US LSAT in August when there is a decent chance that August administration would still be Flex.

1) I cannot update my applications once I submit them (or updating submissions might not actually help even if I get a better score)
2) The online proctor would let me take the test still even though Im not in the US
3) The benefit of applying earlier outweights the risk of trying this

The benefits for taking the earlier test is that I get to apply earlier, and also I get to have more time to tailor my application to reflect my scores.

The downside is that if it aint Flex or if the proctor decides that I shouldnt be taking a US session if Im not in the US, well, that would kinda suck.

Would love to hear what people think, and please tear those assumptions apart if its just unwarranted.


  • sakethsaran1998-1sakethsaran1998-1 Alum Member
    246 karma

    I don't think that's a good idea. The proctor will want to a government issued ID. If you were scheduled to test in the US but couldn't you'll still have a valid ID issued in the US. I don't think you can produce a foreign ID for what is essentially a ''US and Canada" test date.

  • yooosc123yooosc123 Alum Member
    42 karma

    stop trying to beat the system

  • 60 karma

    @sakethsaran1998 true, but for non-resident aliens, they wouldn't necessarily have a US issued government ID though. But yeah, it is a risk for sure.

    @emmanuelhabashy well, I mean not trying to beat it tbh, just trying to get a better exam date.... But your point remains valid for sure

  • jiyunlee0906jiyunlee0906 Core Member
    14 karma

    Hey @"wilson.hsu.1115" ! I had a similar line of thought recently and called the LSAC to confirm whether or not this would be possible. The guy on the hotline told me that my IP address would not allow me to access the proctor and the test. More accurately, he told me that the test was not intended for any international students unless they specified that it was an international LSAT. I'm not 100% sure if they actually have mechanisms in place to stop us from accessing with an VPN or something, or if they request government issued IDs like @sakethsaran1998 has mentioned. Definitely risky, though. I'm not sure what to think or do because my testing centre is currently full for October and I would essentially have to wait to apply next cycle if I can't manage to take an exam.

  • 60 karma

    @jiyunlee0906 thanks for the response! So with the proctoring system, I know for a fact that ProctorU tracks IP addresses and can catch VPN (my sister's uni uses ProctorU and she was immediately required to turn off VPN)... So I guess this resolves our dilemma....

    In your case though, any chance you can take the exam in a nearby country/city? In my case, the test center is open, but just that its in October..

  • ChloeeeeChloeeee Member
    135 karma

    Hi Wilson, I'm sorry to hear this. I'm sure international test-takers face more difficulties in this period. I would suggest you calling LSAC to check whether you can take a US test in another country. Try to address international test-takers' difficulties in your phone call/online message.
    If LSAC doesn't allow this, then perhaps many international applicants are affected. Then, law schools, especially those welcome international students, may take this into consideration. Good luck!

  • jiyunlee0906jiyunlee0906 Core Member
    14 karma

    @"wilson.hsu.1115" Thanks for the info! Guess that’s that, then, knowing that ProctorU can detect VPN. Sadly, I don’t think it will be likely that I can fly anywhere anytime soon given the travel bans in place. I’ll have to blindly prepare for the Oct LSAT hoping a space opens up or for the possibility it also turns to Flex. Best of luck in your remaining preparation and hopefully the LSAC comes to some senses to open up additional flex options as they’ve mentioned the possibility!

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