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I was sitting down at a hotel lobby getting ready to take my first LSAT ever. I remember reading huge words and arguments and thought to myself: "Ok, I will never be a lawyer, this is only the entrance exam and I can barely shake it, how am I ever going to be an attorney?
I got a 138, and only about 5 questions right on Logic games. After studying for about 3 months, (not very many hours per week) I finally took a official LSAT and got a 147. I needed a 155 to have a decent shot at the regional school I wanted to attend - I got denied.
Fast forward a year and I study for a few more weeks, thinking I only need a little bit of improvement to scrape together that 155. I was wrong, I took another official test but cancelled because I knew I wasn't going to get that 155. At this point I thought I was NEVER going to law school.
I came across J.Y., his amazing team, and this amazing group of people here on 7sage. I decided to quit my job and dedicate 6 full months to really learn the LSAT, like from the bottom up. I mastered games first through full-proofing and then LR, and then on to RC. My highest PT was 161 and that's what I actually got on game day.
With my new and improved 161 score, I was accepted into the school that previously denied me, and I was awarded $100,000 in scholarship to attend. 2 years ago when I applied with my 147, I would have been ECSTATIC to attend even if I had to pay full sticker price. I am a firm believer that when one door closes, another one opens, with the condition that you work hard and never give up!
These are my tips for anyone who thinks they can't learn the LSAT, and advice for anyone considering delaying a cycle for a stronger LSAT.
1) The LSAT is VERY learnable, trust me, I didn't know how to read properly and put in the time and work and learned it.
2) Practice with earlier PT's as MUCH as you can, please save more recent PT's for ACTUAL PT's. (My advice would be to save PT60+ for actual PTS)
3) There is a lot of value in redoing problems, ESPECIALLY games, I've done several games at least 20 times.
4) If you can afford it, it's worth it to take the time off to get a better LSAT instead of rushing into a cycle.
5) Could I have gotten a better score? I think so. I think my 138-161 took about 4 months of 30 hours a week, I'm a slow learner, some people could make that jump in 2 months. I believe that if I took another 2-3 months to practice, then I maybe could have broke 170.
Thanks for reading, I've been waiting months/years to make this post. Please reach out with any questions!
TLDR: Went from 138 and thinking I was never going to be a lawyer to accepted with a 161 and having about 2/3 of my tuition paid.
Thank you so much for sharing! Really motivational!
Thank you for sharing! Congrats!
Well done!
You're Awesome!
Wow! Congrats!!
Congratulations!! Great story!!
Congratulations! Thanks for taking the time to write this:)
I love to read stories like this! It reminds me to stay motivated! Thanks so much for sharing and congrats on your success!
Conrats! I'm glad you never gave up!
Thank you so much for posting this. I am in the exact same situation right now and needed to hear this.
good for you
that's so great to hear
Congratulations. Very inspiring
Praise for sticking with your goals. Celebrate your acceptance and scholarship!
Huge congrats!!!
@lsatgodjk This is so great. Congratulations on your hard earned success. ✌️
Congrats!! I needed this
Congrats! Thanks for sharing!
I love this, I hope that I can share a story like this several months from now. You did it congrats!
CONGRATS!!!! Way to stick it out and work hard!
Congrats and thank you for sharing. I love to read posts like these before starting my prep,it lets me know there are people who were where I am and have reached where I want to be.
Absolutely savage! Congrats!
Congratulations, that is incredible and extremely inspiring! I wish you the best luck in law school and your career!
Congratulations!! Great work
This amazing progress. All the best to you. Congrats!!
This is really nice to hear! I'm currently stuck at a 150 and felt like I would never improve but your post gave me some motivation! So for the first half of your PT's did you take them untimed?
Congratulations! Hard work pays off!
Hey, please message me and I can try to help you!
Thanks for all the comments and kind words, really bringing tears to my eyes!
If anyone has questions please DM me so it's a little easier for us to communicate!
This is an awesome story and really confirms for me why I was so sure I was going to go to law school for 2020 but decided to wait because I didn’t have the LSAT score. You got into the school you wanted and are getting $100,000! This is amazing, congrats!
Congratulations! Stories like this give me so much hope. I’m currently on the lower scoring side and questioning whether or not I’ll make it to law school. I was waitlisted the last application cycle with a 145, but decided to draw my applications due to financial reasons.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you so much for sharing! Congratulations! Your hard work and dedication pays off.
Amazing - congratulations and thank you for sharing your inspirational story!
Thank you for sharing this I started off with the same score as you and I just got denied from a regional law school. This is really motivating I will keep pushing! Thanks!
this is so awesome!! Congrats!!!
@diann.pena, Don't give up. We're here for you.
These stories give us hope! Keep them coming. Thank you for sharing!
What a great story, and one that resembles very much to a lot of our stories here. It is an example that it can be done even when we think we won't make it. Thank you of sharing and congratulations.
Congratulations! What an amazing and inspiring story!
Congratulations! So deserved!
Congratulations!! Thank you for sharing!!
Thanks for sharing... Congratulations!
Wow! Congratulations!!
Congratulations!!!! Thanks for the monday dose of inspiration.
Hi everyone. Sorry that I haven't replied to any messages or comments since I began law school. It has been a very busy last 2 years.
I wanted to revisit this forum because I really appreciated the community here at 7sage. It is crazy to realize that I start 3L about 2 weeks. If anyone is interested to know how my "journey" has been since I finished the LSAT, please reach out some way and I would be happy to share my law school experience. Please provide any questions you may have. I want to continue to motivate and give back to this community because I would not be where I am today without 7Sage. Thanks for your time.