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Do you... Log/Analyze Answers for Questions Corrected in BR

jcho1234jcho1234 Member

Hi, Just curious if you guys log and analyze answers you corrected in Blind Review? Or did catching error already sort of bridge the gap in your thought process? My log is getting plenty heavy as it is and it feels a little redundant. Or am I being lazy? Thanks!

Log and Analyze Wrong Answer that you Caught/Corrected in BR
  1. Yes0 votes
    1. No
    2. Sometimes


  • gdhanda23gdhanda23 Member
    35 karma

    I actually blind review with a entire thought process log. For LR and RC, once I do the timed section, I open up a word doc and try to explain why I think each particular AC is wrong or right. I have a word template doc set up for 28 questions in which I write a sentence to explain my reasoning. This really helps me make rational choices when deciding answers and keeps me disciplined on BR.

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