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Ashley MonroeAshley Monroe Member
in Logic Games 34 karma

So I was setting up the rules for Game/Preptest 44, sec 3 game 3.

Game stem: A tour group plans to visit exactly five archaeological sites. Each site was discovered by exactly one of the following archaeologist - F,G,O and each dates from The 8th,9th, Or 10th century. The tour must satisfy the following conditions:

There was this rule that stated: Exactly one of the sites was discovered by Gallagher, and it dates from the tenth century.

1) What is the term “exactly” modifying ?!What fact is it stressing!!!
2)How do I know G and 10 are not a Block, I’m sure many people create it as a false block. What modifier in the statement let’s me know it’s conditional ?!?
3)when it does state “exactly”- is it implying that G is in the game ONLY once Since the game stem isn’t requiring all variables to be present, but that ALL sites be occupied by once the archeologist and when G is Summoned it’s carrying the century Variable with it ?


  • 476 karma


    So from my understanding
    1. Exactly is modifying the archaeological site. Gallagher only discovered one, so the others (F and 0) discovered the other four. It's not a one-to-one relationship.

    1. This depends on how you set up your diagram. I would use the sites as the base. The centuries (8th,9th, or 10th) apply to the discovery dates of the five sites. This means that at least two pairs of sites were discovered in the same century.

    2. G only appears once, but I am not sure if it carries the century as well. I am leaning towards yes.

    Hope this helps!

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